Broadcast Beat Magazine 2016 BroadcastAsia Edition | Page 26


be known as a “3X” zoom. Superzoom (or “hyperzoom”) refer to lenses with a range in excess of 5X with standard range going up to 19X in an SLR style camera. Superzoom ranges for amateur digital cameras sometimes even have a range that exceeds 80X. In a studio camera, ranges can reach superzoom sizes of 300X. One of the disadvantages of using maximum zoom range is image degeneration and distorted focus; these flaws can be dealt with in post production.

Unit Still Photography is seen as high-class work by your “average” photographer, but it’s often no picnic; 80-hour weeks aren’t unheard of and you have to be able to handle a lot of interaction with the floor personnel as well as the top brass. Filming on location? Pack your bags, son – it’s time to hit the road! You don’t get to hang out at the studio like some of the editors and special effects guys might. The still photographer crafts images with his own camera and lenses; he doesn’t use individual frames shot from a motion picture camera.

The still photographer has three main duties. First is advertisement and pro-motional pictures for the film. Secondly, taking daily still shoots of wardrobe selections, along with set and background choices as a memory aid for the director. Lastly, the unit still photographer also takes the pictures used in the film for the creation of certain props (like photos for a fake crime scene, or driver’s license photos, or computer screen images, etc.).

Taking still shots during

production often requires a way to muffle the noise of the camera’s operation so as to minimize the disruption of the film’s audio components. To do this, the camera being used is placed inside a foam-lined sound-absorbing case (a sound blimp). Once sealed inside the sound blimp, no further manual adjustments can be made to the cameras settings. The only physical camera operations now possible with the external dual button control are shutter

release/focus and activation. Adjustment of other settings has recently been made possible with the use of onlineapps and remote control.

Making the proper lens choice is important in both motion and still photography. The skills of the cameraman or still photographer can help the producer/director realize his or her vision. A picture is worth a thousand words – and a perfect picture could be worth even more that!