BRM 2017 March 2017 | Page 103

The Eros Island Town Hall Meeting

A Perspective by a Princess

By PrincessPurple

During this meeting you saw local chat busy with greetings, hugz, and even gropes. But this Princess had a different feeling about those hugz. Something made them feel sad. Maybe it's due to the subject of the meeting that had been called.

The 17 of March Blow Torch posted in the world announcement that Eros Island was going to close in 10 days. This announcement caused word to spread and people to flock to Eros to find out what was going on.

March 18th 2 pm Est the only voices heard were that of Blow Torch and Crash (of Eros Island), a voice meeting to discuss with the residents of Eros Island what was going on. The two men gave the meeting and aired it in Eros World Complex and in Transport. The community filed in filling the locations.

The first thing that was addressed what the rumors that have been going around. Some are that they are sending staff to other worlds and having them recruit; that if people bring others to Eros they will give memberships; that finances have caused the closing, this rumor brought a chuckle to Crash that was heard; another is that they are claiming to be the last world standing.

Over and over during the meeting Blow Torch repeated that they were going to fight to keep the community together. Blow Torch stressed that he had been with Eros for 5 years and that he like so many feel Eros Island is home.

Both men tried to answer questions during the meeting. Any questions that had to do with the future of RLC (RedLightCenter) Blow Touch made sure to repeat that they were not a part of RLC even though they were both part of the Utherverse franchise. They also tried to explain the running system and the difference between the two clients.

There was a question about some issues the contract covered, question of possible breach of contract. One is the foreign language & dimensions. Crash and BlowTorch wanted to make sure that any language and culture was welcome they stressed that everyone no matter what language is welcome in Eros.

Attempts have been made to contact Utherverse, no reply has been made from the lawyers of Utherverse. People wanted to know how to help. Forums have been started and the community is coming together wanting to help. Thursday 3/23/2017 at 2 pm EST an update meeting on what has happened so far and if the world will close or not is scheduled.

Options are being looked at in the event that Eros has to close, possible moving of the community might be something that happens. Blow Torch reassured people in the crowds that the data base would follow and the items (properties, clothes, etc) would transfer. Moving would mean software change, possible name change. To buy a franchise is 200K one person shared during the meeting.

"We are working at keeping this family together," Blow Torch proclaimed to everyone. You could hear the frustration in the voices of both Blow Torch and Crash.

Blow Torch and Crash ended the meeting with this, "Eros Island staff and volunteers we like to thank everyone for supporting us as I said we will fight this and thank you again."