BRITSchool_2022_ONLINE_v1_Leaves | Page 25

c r e a t i v e a r t s c o u r s e
med to the Visual Arts and Design ntemporary techniques in visual arts , o have the opportunity to explore a illustration , community art , textiles , , film making and fine art . We deliver a ts to gain a greater understanding of the s . hat Qualities Do I Need ?
e believe those students who demonstrate an nthusiasm for arts and design and a passion to be a reative thinker , with the ability to overcome boundaries nd challenges will be suitable candidates for this course .
ypical Careers :
ine Artist useum / Gallery Curator llustrator roduct Designer nterior Designer ashion Designer hotographer tylist ewellery Designer attoo Artist
s on this course visit www . brit . croydon . sch . uk / VAD