British Chess Magazine Octubre 2013 | Page 36

540 The British Chess Magazine tential flight square initially guarded by the  that administers mate: 1 e5 ×b3 2 e6 ×e6; 1 b4 ×c6 2 b5 ×b5; 1 b2 ×c2 2 b3 ×b3. The 3-mover would, I think, be more difficult to solve. We need to open lines for the w and w, and an experienced solver might guess the complementary ways in which this is done in the two solutions. In the diagram position we have 1 e4 d×e4+ 2 c5 b5 3 f1 (unpin) d5 and then in the second part of the problem, positioning the w at b1 instead of f1, we have 1 c4 d×c4+ 2 e6 d7 3 d1 (unpin) f5. Endgame Study Solutions (See p. 538) Black tries to block out the white king and White repeatedly offers the sacrifice of the rook to thwart this. Not 2 f7? g8 and White has blocked his own king’s access to f7. This study won the USSR Composing Championship. G Nadareishvili 1 f1+ g1+ 2 ×g1+ ×g1 3 f2 e5 4 h2+ ×h2 5 f2 mate. D Gurgenidze 1 g7 b8 2 b7 c8 3 b3 g2 4 c7 d8 5 c4 g3 6 d7 e8 7 d5 g4 8 e7 g8 9 e6 g5 10 f7 wins.  Book Reviews ‘Chess is a process of thought conditioned and limited by the Institutes and Rules of the game. The judgments of thought are certified or visibly expressed upon the chessboard in movements of various forces…’ – ‘The Principles of Chess in Theory and Practice’ – James Mason (Horace Cox 1896).  ‘The Strategic Nimzo-Indian: Volume 1 A Complete Guide to the Rubinstein Variation’ – Ivan Sokolov (New in Chess 2012). Paperback. 416 pages. Ivan Sokolov’s books are legendary, including ‘Ruy Lopez Revisited’ and back in the day a Cadogan monograph on the Classical Nimzo-Indian (4 c2). This one is no exception; I have no hesitation in saying it’s one of the best opening books for ages. In general terms it is somewhere between a White repertoire book and a comprehensive treatise. As White you can use this book for a complete repertoire, but not for Black: certainly as Black you wouldn’t be able to rely on this book for most variations (the main exception to this would be the old main line of the whole opening (1 d4 f6 2 c4 e6 3 c3 b4 4 e3 0–0 5 d3 d5 6 f3 c5 7 0–0 c6 8 a3 ×c3 9 b×c3 d×c4 10 ×c4 c7), where so far as I can tell the coverage is essentially comprehensive). By the same token, if you already have your pet methods in these lines as White then you won’t necessarily find them covered here. On the other hand,