British Chess Magazine Octubre 2013 | Page 2
The British Chess Magazine
Founded 1881 Monthly
Women’s World Championship
Chairman Shaun Taulbut
Director Stephen Lowe
Editorial James Pratt, Shaun Taulbut
Photography John Upham
Taizhou, a city in North Eastern China
(about 100 miles from the Yellow Sea, we
think – Ed.) was the site of the World Championship Match between the holder, Anna
Ushenina, 28, of Ukraine and her challenger, Hou Yifan, 19, from China. €200,000
was the purse for this projected ten-game
match, which started on 10th September
and was scheduled for 18 days. In the event
it did not run its full course.
In 2010, Hou Yifan first became the
youngest ever Women’s World Champion,
but was surprisingly defeated in the knockout tournament for the title a year ago. In
this encounter, however, she came armed
to the teeth and iPod.
The defending champion won the title in
a knockout tournament in 2012, where the
short match format led to the favourites being upset early on. Ushenina beat former title-holder Antoaneta Stefanova in the final.
In this year’s match the Chinese grandmaster won games 2, 4, 5 and 7, the remainder being drawn.
Poor clock-handling cost the Champion, who had clearly prepared thoroughly
enough, dearly. On this occasion, Hou was
109 rating points ahead of her opponent
and, having regained the crown so promptly, she may now look forward to a longer
reign – provided the knockout format does
not trip her up again.
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Anna Ushenina 1.5–5.5 Hou Yifan
Photo credits
Hou Yifan: FIDE; Jones: Carl Portman