British Chess Magazine Octubre 2013 | Page 12

516 The British Chess Magazine 15…f×g4 15…×g4 16 h5! a3 17 b1 c5 18 h4 (18 dg1?? ×f3 19 ×f3 d2+) 18…g2 19 h2 g4 20 a1! and no more tricks: the Black queen is trapped. 16 g5 b5 16…c5 17 ×h7+ h8 18 c2 d3+ 19 ×d3 c×d3 20 ×d3 is also much better for White. 17 ×e4 d×e4 18 ×e4 b8 19 hg1! 19 dg1 b7 20 ×g4? (20 ×b7 ×b7 21 ×g4±) 20…×e4 21 ×g7+ ×g7 22 ×h5 ×h1 23 h6+ h8 24 ×f8 ×f8 and the lone white queen is not enough for the win. 19…h8 Before continuing the game I would like to show you two positions from my previous practice which helped me to find the decisive combination using analogous ideas between the games. G J Meszaros O A Schneider Hungarian Teams, 2001 XIIIIIIIIY 9r+-+r+-+0 9zpp+-zpp+k0 9-+p+-+pzp0 9+-+q+-+n0 9-+-zP-+-+0 9+-zPLwQP+-0 9PzP-+-zP-zP0 9tR-+-+-tRK0 xiiiiiiiiy After acquiring an advantage in the opening, my opponent has played a little carelessly and given me counter-chances on the open g-file. Black threatens …e7–e5 and it may appear that White has no time to continue his attack. 21 g4! e5 22 ag1! e6? A move made while in shock! Black cannot take the d4 pawn: (a) 22…e×d4? 23 ×g6! f×g6 (23…d×e3 24 g7+ h8 25 h7#) 24 ×g6+ g8 25 ×h5+ h7 (25…f8 26 f4+ e7 27 g7+ e6 28 g4++–) 26 g6+ g7 27 ×e8+ f8 28 ×h6+ ×e8 29 g7 ×f3+ 30 g1 d1+ 31 g2+– (b) But he should try to bring the knight back to the defence: 22…g7 23 ×g6 f×g6 24 ×g6+ g8 25 ×h6 ×f3+ 26 g2 d1+ 27 g1 f3+=. 23 d×e5 g8? 24 c4 Game over. Black has lost the exchange. 1–0 in 36. The next example was played in the Hungarian Team Championship of ten years ago. Black, now a strong grandmaster, has not played the middlegame well, and is just waiting for the coup de grace: G J Meszaros O G Szabo XIIIIIIIIY 9-+rwqrvl-mk0 9+-+n+pzpp0 9-+-+-zp-+0 9+-+p+NzP-0 9pzppzP-sN-zP0 9+-+-zP-+-0 9PzPP+-zP-+0 9+K+Q+-tRR0 xiiiiiiiiy 1 g6! f×g6 2 ×g6+ In time trouble, my opponent played: 2…g8? Play might have continued 2…h×g6 3 ×g6 g8 4 h5 threatening h6+ h7, f7+, winning the black queen. 4…a5 5 h6! There is no defence against the mate: e.g. 5 hg1! also wins after 5…g×h6 6 g1+ h8 7