Bringing Creativity, Agility, and Efficiency with Generative AI in Industries 24th Edition | Page 54

Unlock the Potential of Open AI in Smart Manufacturing
• Enabling In discrete manufacturing , where automotive manufacturers are using generative AI to design lightweight , high-strength components that can withstand the rigors of high-speed driving .
Empowering consumer goods manufacturers in deploying generative AI to improve product design , production , and supply chain management .
3-1 : Generative AI in the manufacturing market size , 2022-2032 ( USD million ) 4 .
Generative AI technologies can be leveraged for IOT and other digital applications for industrial knowledge management , aiding product design leveraging code and content generation , Process automation using copilots to stay innovative and meet evolving customer demands which is essential for business success and revenue growth .
Figure 3-2 : Key use cases for smart manufacturing .
Manufacturing enterprises frequently create and maintain knowledge base about business processes , customers , products , and information . However , retrieving relevant content based on
4 https :// www . precedenceresearch . com / generative-ai-in-manufacturing-market Journal of Innovation 49