Bring The Love Feb. 2014 | Page 12

12 WACO TRIBUNE-HERALD SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2014 2014 Women Look No Further -The Perfect Gift! Up to 30% Off of Machines, Sergers, Embroidery Machines 3rdal u Ann Up to 50% Off Dakota Embroidery Designs LOOK FOR IT! Special Finance Available Bernina Sew and Quilt Store 4300 W. Waco Dr. Ste B 254-772-2887 Pick up a Trib and Listen to their Story! *.&/0 " ’0 %# " ’1’23# )* & " 5 !* Hours: Mon - Fri 10 - 6pm | Sat 10 - 4pm (& 1 -.%$2 /!0%(& 4!)(# :& 56 ,)-.& +!& 3$# -)& #$& & *%$ 8 & %5&%69 $"& "!5& =<* *!" & )!! 7)-,!((-) %5& ’%(&’!) 7%) 5#.!& 5)%#$# !"#$%& 6 & %& 5& #$"& !)#-)& %$* #(& #$& ,!) (<7 & (#5 ,&-, /.489" 2" " 3$#4!) ’!)(!9 *%1 #*!(& -,& 17" )+4 )5& ;’!&7) #+!(: 5 1"2+456 #$#$"& ’!& #$& :& 96&7) $%2"3++ 5)% *& & !9( ,)#!$* 0%1 " )+" # !99& $*! %5& 9!4 )-< & %99 "& "./ %& %*< %$* )%*+,- (& +!)(& -& 95& .%$6&9!%)$#$ 5 ’%( " (" & * ,!) *%$ "!(&# -&5 % ,!)(& # 5& 1 -)9) !!"$%& /’%5&%""&-, ! ,)- % 5(& .& & & -%*:& -, %## #($!6& %(& &$ "99& & *!$ %$* /!0 996 %=) () %# ) &* -+%42: ’!6& !75(5< -# $& %++ 9 =-5’&-+%5#! & !# &’-) 7(&$*& & / % -<) 5-& ,-).(& (& %$+!:& $ ;’# 7!) -)5<$# !.6& 9& + )<#(!& 5)# -77 /’!& +%* .%$+!& 7& & :&+ %)$#4% $+) 7!),-) %(’#$"5-$ : %$*& &1 ) %$* $ #($!69 & %$* , & -$%9 + %7#5%9 ’-9 !"# " !(& *& ’%4!& -$!& + -.7%$# *%$+!)(& !(& $ %$+!& .%$ + /’!#)& 9& 9!(&& 6& (#-$% 9&-.7%$# 5#5 %$* & ,!( & %5#-$% ,-).& 7)# #5’ 5-& -$& 7!) ! (2) #%&&’ ! ) !"#$ $$*%$(+( , & ’%() "# ! $% 04.?"< "< %!!+ &"="> ; !%22 6)%! Publication by the Waco " .3 324 " -/012 %$*3$4 5(2) . . 2 /’$! 01# Very Special #%? "=" "’%(("=" .61 &+"= "# - .*%- !%22 *@!&"; . *+ ,&"’ %((")% !!"#$% "C &$ +H EF .4 :"="8"G .*+ 6)%!"="B +2"="A-4 46 6&&"0 +2"="C 41"="> 6!%& + K"E 5+I"J& ="D@ , 3% 6?"C .?" Sunday, Febuary 16 in the Waco Tibune-Herald Also online at WT Wac o CENTRAL TEXAS NEWS, ALLDAY