ie Mac’s
Bring a
Everything Y
ou Need
To Join The F
Your Fundraising Kit
Full of everything you need to join the fun and
games on this year’s Dougie Mac’s Bring a
Pound event. Thank you in advance. You are a
true hero in our books and happy fundraising.
Thank You!
Something Challenging
If you would like to do something a little bit challenging towards the day and are
looking for sponsorship money then why not print out the sponsorship form which is
included in this pack, or you can download separately at,
and ask your friends, family and colleagues if they could spare anything to help?
Here are what some people have done over the years...
Alex Hughes shaved his head all for Dougie Mac
Suzi Smith rode an exercise bike for over 24 hours
Your Local Hospice
[email protected]
01782 344 304
RCN: 1071613
Richard Stonier lived in a box for a week