“
Marco
Biaze+,
Italy
“There
are
encouraging
signs
that
the
Italian
market
is
slowly
beginning
to
grow
in
con?dence.
Premier
Enrico
Leka
overwhelming
won
a
do-?or-?
die
con?dence
vote
in
the
Senate,
forcing
a
humilia:ng
U-?turn
by
Berlusconi;
the
government
is
pledging
economic
growth
of
at
least
1%
in
the
coming
year;
and
a
recent
study
by
Isnart
reported
that
the
number
of
Italians
going
on
holiday
in
September
increased
by
18%
year
on
year,
with
holidays
abroad
doubling
compared
to
September
2012”.
Maria
de
Pereda,
Spain
“Currently,
the
Spanish
market
is
strongly
a?ected
by
a
new
phenomenon
known
as
the
“social
traveler”.
Spain
is
the
European
country
with
the
largest
growth
rate
in
the
use
of
social
networks.
The
acceptance
of
new
technologies
enables
them
to
stay
connected
any:me-?anywhere,
reaching
all
the
informa:on
they
need
for
their
trip.
Instead
of
organizing
the
trip
with
a
travel
agency,
they
personally
look
for
the
best
o?ers,
they
compare
prices
and
they
share
experiences
with
fellow
travelers.
They
are
becoming
opinion
leaders,
crea:ng
new
communica:on
and
promo:onal
trends
in
the
tourist
industry”
Wendie
White,
South
Africa
At
the
southern
:p
of
Africa,
South
Africa
and
its
neighbours
throughout
the
con:nent
are
making
news
by
gaining
recogni:on
from
the
World
Bank.
In
this
in?uen:al
global
ins:tu:on’s
latest
report,
the
World
Bank
has
praised
the
role
that
tourism
is
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