BRIGHT! Issue One Volume 1 | Page 7

d roun playg e the e the lik ecaus ool trips good at b e sch olleg am ton C We go on because I igh Br . s I love great slide ove math l it. has a lifa and I a Kh Burj as Thom I love it here becau the whole w se I have the kindest tea id cher in diamonds co e wor ld and because we ncer t, it was did a great there a mums and d nd all our ads were the re That is why I love this scho ol. ! ! Darcey I love Brighto nC and many th ollege because you learn ing writing because it’s fu s. My favourite lesson is Literacy n and you le arn reading, w learn how to ri spell words. ting and ! Luisa We fun. e it is . I love n ecaus und b e she is fu gy. gro aus y c nolo e pla ve th Wright be I like tech I lo iss use M love ence beca I sci lle Isabe ! do. I love it ings that we a good As and the th I love the EC acher s are kind to us. This te teacher s. because the it is full of fun se school becau ! Bharat We love Brighton College because we Day! love Art ! Rachael and Desiree We love Brighton College because we love swimming, PE and ICT. Playtime is bril liant because we have footballs and we love golden time. We enjoy going to Islamic Studies and Soc ial Studies. ! Ibrahim and Samir