BRIGHT! Issue One Volume 1 | Page 3

Why Start a magazine for preprep? The Pre-Prep School at Brighton College is full of bright, intelligent, creative, wonderful children who do amazing things. This magazine aims to highlight all this and more. The magazine will enable the children to further enhance their independent working skills and will also allow them to show off their creative flair! We hope you enjoy reading the magazine and will get a copy of the next issue which we plan to publish in the New Year. Many thanks, Mr F-T Welcome to bright! I will be a good editor because I work hard. I help people and I like to play with other people. I love learning. I am head girl on the Student Council for PrePrep because I was student councillor in year one. To be head girl you have to be very intelligent and good at chatting and going to meetings on Wednesdays. I hope all of you who read the magazine will love it! By Zara ! ! ! ! bright! The Magazine of the Pre-Prep School at Brighton College Issue One ! Editors Zara Latif ! Deputy Editor Freddie Welch ! Journalists Zayaan Atif Jana Emad Diab Lucy Milburn Henry Smith Sofie Bak Kirby Daniel Buerk Skye McKinnon Meryam Awwad Layla Shaalan Charlotte Middlehurst Al Reem Bin Jafar Hani Madi Neha Lajer This magazine is going to be good because it will have lovely things in it like wordsearches and colouring. I will work my most hardest to be the best editor! We also have other people who can help me and their names are in blue right next to me in the picture. ! Assisted by Mr Ferguson-Thomas Miss Paner I like being editor because it is fun. I do brilliant stories that will go in the magazine! Zara