Brief Magazine Get the Look | Page 19

News in the Industry

What menswear staples do you regularly buy/wear/borrow?

I trained at Saville Row and tailoring is something that has always been in the DNA of our brand.

Why is now the right time for the brand to introduce the category?

I don’t really think there is ever a “right time” to launch anything. It’s something we’d been talking about for a long time and something I really wanted to do, and I felt like as a brand we were ready to take on that challenge. I’m very happy with where we are with the womenswear and I felt like it was time for the Stella woman to have a complement; the Stella man.

Why did you decide to throw a fabulous event rather than show at menswear fashion week?

As a house we really don’t take ourselves too seriously. We’re not approaching this in a conventional manner; we don’t want to do it in the same way as everyone else. We’re starting something new and we wanted to do it in a new way, because this is like nothing we’ve ever done before.

What is your favourite piece in the collection?

I would have to say that my favourite piece is the silk shirt with the two swallows on it. It’s very similar to a shirt that my dad used to own and I absolutely loved when I was growing up. I did the exact blouse in womenswear as well because when I was younger I actually thought it was my mum’s, but when I realised it was my dad’s I felt like I just had to include it in the menswear. It’s a very nostalgic piece for me. I am also very enthusiastic about the non-leather sneakers. They are, of course, a sustainably sourced vegan material, and the shoes have turned out so beautifully. I don’t find that an emphasis on sustainability is evident in men’s fashion, so it was crucial to me to include that in my collection and bring that part of me into the realm of men’s fashion.

How does the menswear marry with your womenswear?

I think the two complement each other very well. I always try to have some humour in my designs, and a versatility in all of the pieces. I want someone of any age and from any walk of life to be able to come to me and find something that suits them, and that is something I strongly believe in for both the menswear and womenswear.