Bridge For Design Winter 2014 Bridge For Design Winter 2014 Issue | Page 20

94 100 38 112 56 168 DESIGN TRENDS 38 Jane Schwab and Cindy Smith make an entrance 166 Ana Agapova makes kitchens disappear 56 Shalini Misra says art should always make a statement 194 Sophie Stephens the austerity there is a revival of colour in our homes 94 Grant MacDonald power of bespoke 96 Phoebe Oldrey plans a calm and PROJECTS 98 Sheila McCusker welcomes you into a virtual reality world 100 Les Ensembliers gave a period 112 Bonnie Sutton look 114 Richard Frinnier says we should A LOOK INSIDE 150 Nicola Jones 168 Birr Castle steeped in history 20 Bridge for Design Winter 2014 Cover story: An injection of rock-and-roll glamour into a fashion designer’s derelict house by Hubert Zandberg See more on page 154 SPECIAL OFFER Subscribe to BRIDGE FOR DESIGN and get eight issues for the price of Save 25% on the cover price for eight issues. Simply go online