Bridge For Design Summer 2014 Bridge For Design Summer 2014 Issue | Page 54

DESIGN TRENDS | view point Credit: Sonya Winner Credit: Sonya Winner Credit: Sonya Winner LIGHT UP WITH COLOUR The trend for bright colour inspires creativity and positivity says Sonya Winner L ook around you. Everywhere you can see London shedding the grey uncertainty and debilitating anxiety of the recession years and embracing colour as a symbol of hope for a bright future. As usual, interiors trends are taking cues Week 2014 was ablaze with colour and creativity, especially in collections by Antipodium and Issa. We’re also drawing inspiration from the art world. The long anticipated Matisse cut-outs exhibition at the Tate Modern is one that’s particularly close to my heart. In his him to a wheelchair, Matisse shifted media from painting to cut-outs and collaging. It was from his frail, dilapidated vantage point that creativity and colour burst forth. The vivid colours and strong shapes that characterise his later works are one of the greatest inspirations for my own designs. and creativity and can have a totally transformational a way to invigorate their living space without necessarily carrying out a complete re-design. This is easier than you may think. Vivid colours that are brought into a space through accessories, rugs and furniture can have a totally naturally drawn to bright colours. In the design world, colour is already popping up everywhere we look this season. Particularly look out for primary colours displayed in bold blocks alongside vibrant oranges, blues and purples expressing themes of passion and exuberance. International design shows, websites and 54 companies are turning a dedicated eye toward colour. Design Milk’s weekly CMYLK feature is an excellent source for exploring the paring of colour infused product, art and interiors. In the 2014 Dulux Colour Awards in March, vivid colour featured in every category including Curiousa & Curiousa’s The Architectural Design Home Show in New York was the MADE section to where colour loving designers su ch as Dagmara Weinberg, Borealis Studios, Amy Eisenfeld Genser, and Abby Modell, showed their new colour inspired collections. Closer to home, the re-imagined collection by 19 Greek Street embodies vivid colours and bold patterns alongside contemporary form. Also look for colour spilling from interiors to architecture and public spaces. Even now the South Bank and the City of London are every night ablaze with vivid colours celebrating fun and creativity in the City. Starting with colour, we will see the beginning of a new cycle. Colour will encourage creativity and positive thinking. This will permeate through from our personal lives to the ecommerce enabling smaller, niche businesses to reach the world wide market. As we branch out, new markets will be cultivated, especially in developing countries such as India. In the coming years, colour infused design will be a leading force driving us into an era of prosperity and positivity. B Bridge for Design Summer 2014 For more information about Sonya Winner Studio, CLICK HERE ■