Bridge For Design Summer 2014 Bridge For Design Summer 2014 Issue | Page 28

DESIGN| news Porta Romana Chandelier as “an platelets that have T: +44 (0)207 352 0440 T: +44 (0)844 800 8934 | Only the designer extraordinaire Marco Costa of Boca do Lobo could re-interpret the 19th and tales of the Steampunk movement to create the work of art that is the Baron Safe (pictured). Inspired by traditional Swiss watch making techniques, the Baron combines high level security for the most exclusive pieces. The true essence of the new hyper-luxury trend. T: +351 910 936 335 | 28 28 Bridg Briidge for Design S mme 2014 Bridge for Design Summer 2014 dg es es gn Summer 014 si e 014 1 For more product information on Cavendish Stone, CLICK HERE