Bridge For Design March 2015 Bridge For Design March 2015 | Page 20

PUBLISHER Martin Trowbridge [email protected] From £7,500 to £125,000 Wigmore Street W1 · Harrods SW1 · King’s Road SW10 +44 (0)20 7493 4444 EDITOR Rob Cork [email protected] EDITOR’S ASSISTANT Kelly Davies [email protected] EDITORIAL CREATIVE DIRECTOR SUB-EDITOR Guy Davis [email protected] Francois Jarzabek [email protected] ADVERTISING ADVERTISEMENT DIRECTOR UK ADVERTISING US ADVERTISING Vivien Brockwell +44 (0)173 246 1090 +44 (0)786 754 7712 [email protected] Simon Hemsley +44 (0)791 937 5159 [email protected] Shelba Cornelison 001 336 869 2528 [email protected] CONTRIBUTORS FRANK ENGLESBY HANNAH OBEE LISA DAVIS LUCINDA MAGRAW MARI PAULINA THE INTERIOR ARCHIVE [email protected] [email protected] ACCOUNTS FINANCE DIRECTOR F ACCOUNTS Sara Davies [email protected] Cisca Cowling [email protected] SUBSCRIPTIONS BRIDGE FOR DESIGN SLEEP BEAUTIFULLY Designed by Christophe Delcourt, hand made in London [email protected] +44 (0)189 266 7600 16 Sybron Way, Jarvis Brook, East Sussex, TN6 3DZ, United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1892 667 600 F: +44 (0)1892 667 007 E: [email protected] Copyright 2015 BRIDGE FOR DESIGN, TROWBRIDGE Gallery, ISSN 1764-4404. Printed by Pureprint Group, Bellbrook Park,Uckfield, East Sussex TN22 1PL, T: 01825 768811. Published quarterly. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written permission is strictly prohibited. The views expressed by contributors are independent and are not necessarily those of BRIDGE FOR DESIGN London 20 Paris New York Bridge for Design March 2015 Berlin Taipei Shanghai