I do
& h o w. . .
editor's photograph: tarun vishwa. image courtesy: dior.
Dior bag.
here comes The BrIDe in all her ‘fall’ glory. And
celebrating this and much more, hArPer’s BAZAAr
BrIDe this month ties up with FDcI as official magazine
partners for India couture Week 2016. on this note,
we present 11 inspiration boards of design stalwarts
showcasing bridals like never before (pg 80).This is also
the month we put together a curated watch edit for you,
with over 1,000 timekeeping wonders for you and him
to covet (pg 115). In sync with such fashionable stances,
the country’s new-gen couturiers dress our covergirl
saiyami Kher as she gears up for her debut in mirzya
(pg 208).Then the dry, arid plains of Israel’s Judean Desert
serves as a blank canvas for bold prints and motifs as the
modern bride takes a luxe safari this month (pg 196).
Finally, the month’s best part comes in the form of our
planning guide (pg 144 onwards), that has the season’s
best nuptial offerings served in true high style. riding
high on the excitement of upcoming nuptials and
festivities, August really reigns in the good vibes for us
as after successful distribution in UK, we are all set for
our grand exposition—The couture Wedding Affair—
this september in Dubai. ■
Follow us @BazaarBrideIn and @nupurmehta18 on instagram; and @BazaarBrideIn on twitter and www.facebook.com/HarpersBazaarBrideIndia