Brides Essence Magazine Nov/Dec Issue 10 2013 | Page 51
Wedding Bouquets
Compiled by Lols – Lols Flowers
rides have been carrying bouquets
since the middle ages. Of course back
then the gathered bunches of herbs and
spices were intended to ward off evil spirits
and protect the fragile, innocent bride
from bad luck and misfortune.
Happily by Victorian times bouquets
had moved on from garlic and dill to
include fresh flowers – often made up using
the “language of flowers”. Bouquets were
gathered from ivy (fidelity), myrtle (passion)
and roses (love).
Bouquets remain a special tradition
today, with plenty of styles and variations
for brides to choose from. You can have
anything from cascading waterfall
bouquets to sweet, simple hand tied posies.
It all depends on the style and theme you
envision for your wedding – and ultimately
your own sense of style and personality.
© Jeanine Bressler photography
Nov/Dec 2013 Brides Essence Magazine