Brian Jones Order of Service booklet | Page 3

A picture of pure truth You are in the great heavens in the sky
There is light and sun , and at night there are endless stars
You breathe , you walk and run you have no pain
Surrounding you is love ,
the faces of one ’ s lost to you along the road
They smile and say hello
Because like us , they dreamed and hoped of the time to see you one day again
There is only peace and rest Laughter fills yours ears as there are new stories being shared
In front of you is a beer and you turn to Tom who is saying “ Come off it Jonesy ”.
We all know that the soccer is on the tv !!!
Pepsi max is in the fridge and a custard tart is on the bench
A remote control in one hand and you are smoking that last cigarette “ it ’ s not bad here ” you say as you recline back in your chair
You are on your throne , where you belong
Now close your eyes and have a good rest

A Picture Of Pure Truth