Brewings Vol 42 Issue 2 | Page 7

sometimes think the reason he took his life was that he could see the insanity of this world, the tribalism, the borders and boundaries, the wastefulness of wars, the ignorance, the hatred, all the absurd hatred, the killing,,,, and he seen it all on a grand scale. Is it better to be a depressed intellectual or a happy idiot? I don't know. Moving on. As we started to travel, bicycle, hike and visit these breweries and towns, we realized we were learning much more than we anticipated. We started to re-think this journey. Like Bourdain we were digging deeper, we were learning about the history of the town or places we visited, the geography of Minnesota, meeting the local people and listening to their stories. We were getting an understanding of local culture, place, home, and the social landscape we inhabit. We are both in our late (myself, very late) 50’s and this journey was evolving into more than just drinking beer, riding bicycle and hiking, it was an exploration of life, and of self. When you drive over 10,000 miles across the State in one year, you better learn something. We did not want it to be JUST about beer anyway and it became more than we ever imagined. Did we hit every brewery in Minnesota in one year? The short answer is, YES! The longer answer is more complicated. I’ll take you down that rabbit hole briefly. We did not count the Rock Bottom and Granite City corporate chains. There was a brewery (Iron Exchange) that opened in December which started brewing but, were not serving their beer as they had to build up inventory. There is a farm brewery in Rollingstone, that is not open to the public. So, there are a few anomalies that we did not count. The bottom line is that we hit 191 breweries in one year in Minnesota and we think that’s quite an accomplishment. Teri and I never thought that we would make it to every brewery in Minnesota, in a one-year time frame, and looking back now, we don’t care. Because we would not trade this year long adventure for anything, we learned far more than just achieving a number. We also never knew that 365 days would pass by so quickly. Virtually every weekend was about beer trekking, and the days prior was about making plans. Which made every weekend an adventure, and as Pooh was trying to come to grips with, the sweet feeling of anticipation. Always something to look forward to. It was just one year but, it was one to truly never forget. I know there are many out there on social media who are considered "social media influencers" or want to do that. That’s all fine and good but, we don’t aspire to be that. This was our own personal journey and we are happy many followed us, enjoyed our travels, and gave us hugs and encouragement. Maybe we should have had our own blog, wrote and promoted it more. I don’t know. I guess that’s just not us. We just posted some pictures on our Facebook pages. We mostly prefer to travel under the radar, we like it that way. Sometimes our two sons came with, sometimes we made new friends and sometimes old friends rode with. All the laughs and fun we had, all the stories that were told and the beers shared. In between the grooves of the songs we sang, and the miles traveled we will remember you all. We received complimentary beer and food at many places and we certainly appreciate it. Teri made an interesting observation, the higher the number on our white board, the cheaper it got. We would not refuse these things but, that was not what we were looking for. Thanks to all who rewarded us. What made it even more special is having Teri with. I could not have done it alone. I also want to thank a friend at work (Dave E.) who took my overtime to help me out, our two sons (Robert & Charles) who took care of our (their) cats and the house. There are many others who just wanted to be part of this and lived their dreams through ours. We are happy you could join us. I will say we enjoyed our “15 minutes of fame” many times. We were just doing what we do, living the “beer life”. There were moments when it sure felt like we were special/famous and believe us, it is very good feeling and we would say, addicting. Yet there is a saying that goes, “A wise person walks with their head bowed and is humble with the dust”. Meaning, don’t get too “full” of yourself. Northbound Northbound Brewery Brewery & & Smokehouse Smokehouse Page 7