Well here we are in the dead of winter once again. Judging from posts
I’ve seen on Facebook there are a goodly number of our members who aren’t
letting the weather stop them from pursuing their two favorite hobbies, adding
to their collections and supporting the breweries of the world. Keep up the
good work.
Speaking of additions, the Stubie In The Middle and the Stubie On The Left (
My brothers Mark and Dan ) after about 15 years of wrangling finally landed a
WW II vintage Schell’s sign painted on canvas into the middle ones collection.
The story I have been told is
there was no metal available
during the war for things such as
beer signs so they had to
improvise. You can about
imagine how many have survived
leaky attics and damp
basements. The whole thing
would probably still be in
negotiations if the one on the left
hadn’t acquired a second one. He
still had to torment his little
brother for two more years until
the deal finally was completed on a chilly fall morning. Patience prevails.
The club once again pulled a float through New Ulm’s annual Parade Of Lights
the day after Thanksgiving. Thanks to the always generous Willis Schaefer for
providing us a warm and well lit place to put it all together. Put together
another nice flashy unit with signs provided by Willis, Larry, John, Tim, Gator
and Gary. Even though it was a cool and drizzly evening the route was
standing full of spectators. Special thanks to my daughter Tina and her friends
Amanda and Jessica for braving the elements to toss candy to the crowd. And
I suppose we should thank brother Mark for pulling it through the route for us
with Gary and Gator riding the float and guarding everyone’s signs. Going to
try and enlist a crew this summer to paint the wagon before next year’s events
as part of our continuous improvement efforts.
Although unable to attend due to a bad case of some kind of super crud, all
stories and photos indicate that the annual club Christmas party, vintage beer
tasting and raffle was another very successful event. It started out in one of
New Ulm’s great new venues – The Pinball Place. Thanks for hosting us again
John. Activities included a fantastic ( from what I’ve heard ) pot luck lunch,
beer exchange and the normal slinging of massive amounts of B.S. When that
concluded the masses migrated to the B&L Bar for vintage beer tasting, an
auction of donated items and the annual raffle drawing. Another great job by
Gary and Gator for rounding up items for the raffle and making all 500 tickets
were sold.
All together it turned out to be a pretty good year. Planning on a quarterly
meeting sometime in March and right after that is the much anticipated Spring
For a parting comment always remember one of the primary reasons for us all
to drink beer is to keep it out of the hands of fools.
Carry on.
President -
Ted Stuber #35187
Vice President -
John Vorwerk #35180
Vice President Elect -
Treasurer -
David Vorwerk #35179
Secretary -
Linda Weldy
News Letter Editor -
David Vorwerk #35179
Webmaster -
Tom Terwilliger #28855
Past President -
Gary Sprenger
Dues are $10 per year or
$15 for couples and due on
December 31st each year.
Dues can be sent to
David Vorwerk
110 N Franklin
New Ulm, MN 56073