We only did one beer festival this year, which was the Beer Dabbler's Pride Fest at
Loring park in Minneapolis, fantastic time. My personal "best of show" from this fest,
was an Oyster Stout and a Tequila Barrel
Aged Saison, probably the best beers I
have had all year.
Anyway, that's quite a list of places and
yes, we have consumed beer at them all.
We still have not hit every Brewery in the
State and have many to go yet. All of these
places are worth visiting, each is special in
their own way. Our number 1 pick overall,
would have to be Roundhouse Brewing in
Brainerd. This place is located in an old
train station, railyard. The history that
surrounds you is incredible and the beers
are quite worthy also.
My Minnesota Growler collection is
over 100 Growlers, and still growing. Will I
ever stop? I guess when they quit opening
new Breweries, that will be the end game
for me. I only keep them, if we have been
there. How do you display that many
Growlers? Glad you asked, I have included
a picture, they take up quite a bit of room.
I also have been accumulating
Coasters, Patches and Stickers from the
craft breweries in Minnesota. I built a bar
for our garage and when I get enough
stickers I will adorn the bar with them. Currently I'm at about 90 Minnesota brewery
stickers and at last count there are around 130 breweries in this State, so I'm getting
there. If you have extra stickers laying around keep me in mind.
One final note. As someone who graduated in 1979, and seen the homogenous
beer wasteland this State (and country) was back then and to see the number of
breweries I just listed here, well, it is mind bending and quite satisfying. The progress
that has been made in bringing beer with flavor back to the masses is impressive. Here
is to the small independent craft brewers, keep doing what you do !!
One final, final note: With Budwater and other Macro breweries buying up some of
the smaller craft breweries, it becomes confusing to some consumers (not me) what
constitutes a "craft brewery". So, a new logo has been introduced to distinguish a craft
brewer from the "water" brewing behemoths. An upside-down bottle with "Independent
Craft Brewer" emblazoned on it. Look for it, I sure will.
Till we meet again, Jay.
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