Hello fellow Border Batch members. Sorry
to say this is my last newsletter, Yahoo. I
really enjoyed being Prez for the year. I
hope I made a little bit of improvement in
the way things were being done. Summer
has come and gone, hope everyone had a
great one. Stubiefest and the new show at
the Starkeller has also come and gone. We
had all right turn out for the first time. I
hope we can make it bigger and better.
Everyone had a great time celebrating
Vicki's and Larry's wedding anniversary on
the hayride. We got a little wet on the way
home, but not as bad as a couple of years
ago. Would like to thank Dan for hosting
again and everyone who donated
something for the event. We did manage to
make a little profit. Attended the much
talked about Lambrecht auction and
snagged a few items I didn't have and
upgraded a cool beer tray. Again we are
having a Christmas raffle there are some
great items on it. If anyone needs tickets
call me or gator. One last thing we are
having the Christmas party at a new
location. John's Pinball Place. Hope to see
you there have a cold one for me.
Your outgoing Prez, Gary Sprenger
Brewings is the official Brewsletter
of the Schell s Border Batch,
Chapter #83 of the Brewery
Collectibles Club of America.
Published quarterly for chapter
members to keep up with chapter
events and news. All materials in
Border Batch Brewings are written
by members of the Schell s Border
Batch Chapter, unless otherwise
credited. No reimbursement is
made for submissions. This
publication is not copyrighted and
material may be reprinted,
provided credit is given to the
author. The Schell s Border Batch
Chapter cannot be responsible for
any errors which may occur. If you
have anything you would like to
contribute please send your
newsletter article to:
Schell s Border Batch
Tom Terwilliger
1501 180th Street
LuVerne, Iowa 50560
[email protected] Any
and all newsletter articles will be
considered for publication in the
Border Batch Brewings.
Chapter Officers
President - Gary Sprenger
Vice President - Ted
Vice President Elect -
Treasurer - Tom Terwilliger
Secretary - Judy Terwilliger
Chaplin - Father Furray
Srock #9678
Artist - Barry Travis #30938
Newsletter Editor - Tom
Terwilliger #28855
Webmaster - Tom
Terwilliger #28855
Dues are $10 per year or $15 for
couples and due on Dec, 31 each
year. Dues can be sent to Tom
Terwilliger, 1501 180th Street,
LuVerne, IA 50560
P.S. need another year to build wall.
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