Hello, welcome to Tavern Talk. Just some talk around the Tavern about beer and beer related
things like collecting, drinking, brewing, and such. First up Springfest 2017. This show (for me
anyhow) is really the kickoff of the trade show season. Yes the Hamm s show and Freeze Your Can
have already occured, but this one of the events
that is a must attend and the weather is warmer
and it just gets you in the mood. This years show
was as always, very good. Me, Judy and Walker
Texas Plumber took off from God s Country around
7 and headed for the Land of Sky Blue Waters. We
arrived at the VFW in Bloomington at 9:50 and got
right in the door as the early rush has subsided.
Just inside the door we ran into Chapter Prez Gary
Sprenger, Gator, Willis and Linda Schaefer and Bob
Jackson. We heard of a Stubie sighting that had
happened earlier in the morning. Willis scored a
really cool Schell s paper pop‐gun piece. I don t think any of the other guys picked up anything
other than a cold beer. It didn t take Jude long to zero in on some Grain Belt glasses she wanted
and I was sent to go buy them. I made the rounds shooting some video and photos and talking
with many collectors. Some others in attendance were Barry Travis, Steve Miner, Dave Big Bird
Bullock, the Martins and many others. This part of what I really enjoy is just seeing the friends
we ve made over the years. I didn t really find anything other than a few small pieces, but that s
okay as I m waiting for a special delivery this summer of a special piece and a 56 rippler that I m
waiting on too. After the show several of us were off to Watertown and an overnite stay at the
Cable Table Tavern. It was another night to remember with the Bullocks, Miners, Mullally s and
some others. Always one of the best things about this hobby is the friends. This is going to press a
little late so just a reminder to attend our friends in the Dakota Chapter s annual show on April
Friday the 22nd and Saturday the 23rd in Sioux Falls SD. They always have a great show with lots
of good things for sale and plenty to choose from. Plus some good party time and collection
viewing of local collectors. Look forward to a great story from Jay Martin in a future issue this
summer about a score of a truckload of cans. Stevan Miner will have some upcoming recent finds
stories on video and in this newsletter. Be sure to check out the video of the invite to Cloquet
from the Nordlager Boys and a video clip in the online version of this from Mike Mullally covering
the Springfest Show. I hate to cut off here because I could go on but this has to get to the printer.
When things settle down for me after a while we ll get back to normal I hope. It s going to be a
great collecting season with lots of good times and fun. So get ready to enjoy the 2017 season.
Tom #28855
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