Who was that masked man? last winter one of our club
members produced a video called “Snow-kidding Stay
Hydrated” where he starred as
the Grainbelt Guy. In the video
he warns people against
getting dehydrated while
shoveling snow and offers up
the advice that they should
have themselves a couple of
cold Premiums. Steve Miner
said “that video would
probably go viral and that we
would be the first club to have
a video go viral”. He must be
some sort of psychic. That
video has been viewed over
265,000 times on Facebook.
Pretty amazing and what a
promotion for Grain Belt. He
also did a few other videos as
the Grain Belt Guy and even did a tribute
video to Prince using a beer related
theme after his death. They’re certainly
fun to watch and we hope to see some
more videos like this in the future from
the Grain Belt Guy.
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