Greetings again Fellow Borderbatchers! Here I am
enjoying a cold Schell’s in the shop of “The Stubie on the
Left” while drafting my newsletter. Always plenty of help
and advice over here.
Wow, what a great chapter meeting we had at the Starkellar
in New Ulm on Saturday, March 19th! We had record
attendance and were among the first to visit the new
brewery. Thanks to Jace Marti for his presentation and
overview of the brewery and opening it up to our club for
our meeting. We also appreciate being able to sample
their newest sour beer from the Noble Star Collection. Also
at the meeting we signed up two new members, Pete H.
and Mark K. Welcome to the club! Two new outlaws were
chosen, John and Dave V. They will be inducted at the
Spring Show. Afterwards many of us were off to the B&L,
Mowans and to The Stubie in the Middle’s for more fun.
The next club meeting is being planned and will possibly be
at another brewery, more details to follow.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the Spring Show
at the Schell’s Brewery on Sunday, April 24th . Just a
reminder, you are welcome to donate beer items to the
raffle which will be held that day. Sue “The Weather Girl”
says it’s going to be nice so make sure you come on out
and enjoy the day!
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my wife Chris. One
of her favorite pass times
is going to garage sales.
Recently she found this
Hauenstein light in great
condition and I was so
glad to add it to my
collection. I just never
know what she will find
when she is out and about.
She’s the best!
So in closing, I think I will have one more cold one! Then I
gotta go!
Your President,
Tim “L.P.” Tanley
Brewings is the official Brewsletter
of the Schell’s Border Batch,
Chapter #83 of the Brewery
Collectibles Club of America.
Published quarterly for chapter
members to keep up with chapter
events and news. All materials in
Border Batch Brewings are written
by members of the Schell’s Border
Batch Chapter, unless otherwise
credited. No reimbursement is
made for submissions. This
publication is not copyrighted and
material may be reprinted, provided
credit is given to the author. The
Schell’s Border Batch Chapter
cannot be responsible for any
errors which may occur. If you
have anything you would like to
contribute please send your
newsletter article to:
Schell’s Border Batch
Tom Terwilliger
1501 180th Street
LuVerne, Iowa 50560
[email protected] Any
and all newsletter articles will be
considered for publication in the
Border Batch Brewings.
Chapter Officers
President - Tim Tanley #
Vice President - Gary
Sprenger #
• Vice President Elect - Mark
• Treasurer - Tom Terwilliger
• Secretary - Judy Terwilliger
• Chaplin - Father “Furray”
Srock #9678
• Artist - Barry Travis
• Sgt At Arms - Mark
• Supply Sergeant - Lori
• Newsletter Editor - Tom
Terwilliger #28855
• Webmaster - Tom
Terwilliger #28855
• Past President - Dan
Dues are $10 per year or $15 for
couples and due on Dec, 31 each
year. Dues can be sent to Tom
Terwilliger, 1501 180th Street,
LuVerne, IA 50560
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