Hello to all my Borderbatch friends!! I hope you are enjoying your
summer so far. It’s sure easy to stay busy this time of year. There
always seems to be an occasion to have a cold one. It started out when
Ted “Stuebie on the Right” got his last daughter, Tina married off on May
9th. What a great time that was at the Best Western in New Ulm. I don’t
think someone (my wife) wants to drink any Nordeast for quite awhile or
possibly never again. Congratulations Tina and Joey Warta. We raise
our glasses to many happy years together!!
Brewings is the official Brewsletter
of the Schell’s Border Batch,
Chapter #83 of the Brewery
Collectibles Club of America.
Published quarterly for chapter
members to keep up with chapter
events and news.
On a recent Saturday evening
we decided to go on a road trip
with Vice President Tanley and
his loving wife to try out the
food at Piggy’s Bar and Grill in
Hanska. We proceeded on to
the Municipal for a couple and
then on to fellow
Borderbatcher Will Nelson’s
home. What a nice collection
of signs he has collected over
the years.
Since this our weekends have gotten booked up like everyone else’s
with weddings, graduations, reunions, parties, etc. So many more
occasions to enjoy a cold one. By the time you are reading this the Vice
President has held his 4th of July party. It started with great food and
beverages, then a hayride around the scenic countryside and then the
Huge Tanley/Rollie Fireworks Show. This show is known to be one of
the biggest and best shows in the area. Or at least in Sigel Township.
Just a reminder to everyone that our next Chapter Meeting is on
Saturday, August 15th at 1
p.m. at Nick Dylla’s Cave in
Madison Lake. Another chance
to view a member’s collection,
catch up on chapter business
and visit with friends. I hope to
see you there!
To change it up alittle with this
newsletter I decided it would
be OK to let my wife show off
part of her collection of beer
breweriana with a couple of
pictures. It’s not Schell’s or
Hauenstein but I do let her
have some space on the shop walls to display it. It’s only fair I guess for
being co-author of “The One on the Left” by Dan Stueber.
I’m sure you have heard that Stuebiefest 2015 will be held September
26th. Plans are in the works. Watch for more details in the near future.
It’s guaranteed to be a great time as in years gone by.
That’s all for now! So let’s have one!
Dan – “The Stuebie on the Left”
Chapter Officers
President - Dan Stueber
• Vice President - Tim Tanley
• Vice President Elect • Treasurer - Tom Terwilliger
• Secretary - Judy Terwilliger
• Chaplin - Father “Furray”
Srock #9678
• Artist - Barry Travis
• Sgt At Arms - Mark
• Supply Sergeant - Lori
• Newsletter Editor - Tom
Terwilliger #28855
• Webmaster - Tom
Terwilliger #28855
• Past President - Murray
Srock #9678
Dues are $10 per year or $15 for
couples and due on Dec, 31 each
year. Dues can be sent to Tom
Terwilliger, 1501 180th Street,
LuVerne, IA 50560
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