Mark, Judy and I headed out on a Saturday morning around 8:30 and arrived in Faribault around 10:30. After a
quick pit stop we found our way to Brushwork Sign shop and were greeted by Dave upon our arrival. He had
started home brewing and had a kegerator with a Belgian homebrew on tap and right away offered us a beer.
While neither one of us could refuse a deal like that so he poured us a couple of mugs. Very tasty brew indeed!
We stood there talking and admiring the signs and all the other signs hanging in the shop that Dave keeps around
as part of his own collection and enjoying the beer. We told Dave that we wanted to shoot a little video with him
explaining what he did to the signs so
next we set up to do that. The video
shoot was fun and informative and we
wrapped it up and then loaded up the
signs. We had a lot of fun meeting Dave
and Ann and if I ever need another sign
restored I'll certainly take it back there
he is a fantastic artist. On the way home
we had an antique store in Owatonna
and Mark picked up a couple of beer
glasses. We also saw some very cool
Fleck s breweriana in this antique store.
Next we were off to Hayward MN and
the little bar where he had a chapter
meeting last summer. The bar was full of
beer signs at the time, let me tell you it
has even more beer signs on the walls
now. Very cool place, good food, grain
belt beer an