Saturday we usually held the trade session at the Elks in Albert Lea and generally
had an overflow crowd. Border Batch and North Star were always well
represented but we also drew folks from Wisconsin, Chicago, Wyoming, St.
Louis, Colorado and more. After the trade session a number of people would
come to my home and poke fun at my crooked shelves. Somehow, we still had
to get prettied up and get to the dinner dance which we held at the Elks or the
motel. It was a sit down dinner and cash bar because all the beer was drank on
Friday night. I would hire our favorite local band who would cater to us by
playing and singing beer jingles and of course, Beer Can Widow Wife . Nona
made regular appearances with them in the Albert Lea area throughout the
years. I think I will write a little about that song next time. There was also the
paper label can which we had printed and then had to attach to the can with
double sided tape. There was one event that began quite by accident. When we
met to plan B.B.B.S. 3,1, a few chapter members went to the Elks for dinner.
Steve Miner was full of wonderment with what he called the Bird Bath
Margarita . Most of his wonderment was left outside the Elks behind a bush.
That began the Margarita Drinking Contest and the traveling trophy. Drinkers
came and went, but none were ever as glamorous as Steve.
We were
fortunate that so
many people had
such a good time
at B.B.B.S. Each of
the years we had it the national BCCA president attended. One
year Ted Marti and his wife drove down as our guests. I felt a little
bad about the speeding ticket he got in New Richland. I tell this
story as I remember it and of course I remember my part in the
whole thing. Obviously these things never happen without the
help and support of others. I just wish I can remember who did
what, but I know they did it. It s been thirty years and that is my
excuse. You all realize that hosting an event like this takes a good
Now that you are bored to tears again, I wish you all well. Ein
See Ya ll Soon
Good Ol Bob
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