Hello again to my fellow Borderbatch friends! Time sure is flying by, it s
time again for a few words from your president. Seems like I just wrote
for the last newsletter. I m alittle late with getting my column written and
off to the editor for publishing, been busy getting the barns ready for
spring calving which will start in April. This is always a time we look
forward to on the farm, should have 15 little ones coming this year if all
goes well.
I m looking forward to our club meeting on Saturday, April 18th at Smiley s
Tavern in New Ulm starting at 1 p.m. We have some new members and
hope they will be joining us. Please welcome them. We will be making
the final plans for our Spring Show at the Schell s Brewery which is
scheduled for Sunday, April 26th from 10 a.m. 2 p.m. I would really like
to see us grow this show, so encourage all members to bring at least a
couple items to trade or sell.
For those of you that had not heard, Donna Olson, the previous owner of
Smiley s passed away suddenly last month. Smiley s was always one of
our stops on the famous Stubiefest Hayride and she made sure we were
well taken care of. Thank you to Donna, we will miss your hospitality.
Collecting is sometimes about being in
the right place at the right time.
Recently, my son Jason and I were
heading back from an auction and
decided to stop at the
famous Klossner House in
the small but well known
town of Klossner, MN. This
was a place I used to
frequent quite often in my
younger days. We got talking with the owner Stan about the
signs on his building. The Klossner House sign itself had
seen it s better days. I offered to fix it for him and he offered
the Schell s sign also on the building as payment. Not a bad
deal I thought. I told him I would be back in the near future to
get the repair project done. Not too long after this a wind
storm came through and a 7 foot Arrow sign was hanging
from the building in such a way that it was dangerous for
anyone walking by. Then after this Stan decided to close the
long running business. So now I was sure the deal would be off . I
stopped again to see him and he had me remove the Arrow sign for
safety and still remove the Schell s sign. Now I have two more signs I
have added to my collection that have a lot of memories of the good times
had at the Klossner House with many good friends back then.
Enjoyed traveling to the Hamms Show
at the Medina Ballroom in February
with the vice prez Tim Tanley and
brother Mark Stubie in the middle .
That day I found my Stueber Ice
Cream sign. As you know you won t
always come home from a breweriana
show with a beer item. This Stueber sign will look great in my collection
and I plan to probably pass it on to family someday. Again, hope to see
everyone at the Chapter meeting and the Springding Show, a day at the
August Schell Brewery!!
So let s have one
Dan the Stubie on the Left
Brewings is the official Brewsletter
of the Schell s Border Batch,
Chapter #83 of the Brewery
Collectibles Club of America.
Published quarterly for chapter
members to keep up with chapter
events and news. All materials in
Border Batch Brewings are written
by members of the Schell s Border
Batch Chapter, unless otherwise
credited. No reimbursement is
made for submissions. This
publication is not copyrighted and
material may be reprinted, provided
credit is given to the author. The
Schell s Border Batch Chapter
cannot be responsible for any
errors which may occur. If you
have anything you would like to
contribute please send your
newsletter article to:
Schell s Border Batch
Tom Terwilliger
1501 180th Street
LuVerne, Iowa 50560
[email protected] Any
and all newsletter articles will be
considered for publication in the
Border Batch Brewings.
Chapter Officers
President - Dan Stueber
Vice President - Tim Tanley
Vice President Elect Treasurer - Tom Terwilliger
Secretary - Judy Terwilliger
Chaplin - Father Furray
Srock #9678
Artist - Barry Travis
Sgt At Arms - Mark
Supply Sergeant - Lori
Newsletter Editor - Tom
Terwilliger #28855
Webmaster - Tom
Terwilliger #28855
Past President - Stevan
Miner #12803
Dues are $10 per year or $15 for
couples and due on Dec, 31 each
year. Dues can be sent to Tom
Terwilliger, 1501 180th Street,
LuVerne, IA 50560
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