Meeting Minutes
Judy Terwilliger, Secretary
March 29, 2014 Lamplighter New Ulm, MN
The meeting was called to order at 1:15 pm by President, Murray Srock. There were 21
members in attendance.
First item of business was the treasurer s report. The treasury has $4081.59. A deposit
was made after the sale of anniversary cards of $235. The current balance in the Chapter
treasury is $4316.59.
Next item on the agenda was the Chapter newsletter. Tom Terwilliger addressed current
prices for mailing the newsletter vs. electronic newsletter. The current price of the
newsletter to mail to members is running the club about $14.80 per member. With dues
currently at $10 per member or $15 per couple, several members suggested that dues be
raised to $15 per member, $20 per couple for those members that want to receive their
newsletter via snail mail. For those that want the newsletter sent to them electronically,
dues will remain the same as they are now. This new dues structure would begin in 2015.
Chapter merchandise The chapter has purchased 50 decks of 35th anniversary cards.
Barry Travis designed the cards that include many of our members as well as pictures of
breweriana. The cards are available for sale for $15 per deck. These cards will be
available for sale at the upcoming show, A Day at Schells.
Our Spring show, A Day at Schells will be at the Schell s Brewery on April 27th.
Pulled pork will be served. We need volunteers to man the food line and help with selling
raffle tickets. Ted Stueber has agreed to help with selling raffle tickets.
Several committees were formed: A Raffle committee will be handled by Dave Weldy
and Gary Sprenger. A Food/Beer committee will be handled by Ted Stueber, Dan
Stueber, and Larry Holm. An Entertainment committee will be handled by Rollie Tauer.
These committees will handle getting raffle prizes, food, beer and entertainment for all
Border Batch events. Committees will work with and report to the board of directors.
Tim Tanley suggested that the Board of Directors may purchase items for the club, with a
dollar limit set If the item is over a certain amount that it be brought to a member vote.
This will be addressed in the writing of the constitution and by-laws.
Upcoming events were discussed:
o Schell s Lager Lauf will take place on May 17th. We will again offer our help with
this event. Several members expressed interest in helping with this event.
o Algona s Brew Fest is set for June 7th, 2014. The brew fest committee has decided
to let our club put up a booth to sell items and create awareness of the club. Several
members have expressed interest in helping with the booth and sale of breweriana
and merchandise.
o Stubiefest was tentatively set for September 20, 2014. This will take place at the
Dan Stueber residence in New Ulm, MN.
The next meeting will take place at Billie Jo s Bar in Grill in Algona, IA. The meeting
will take place prior to the brew fest.
Meeting adjourned at 2:05 pm.
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