Many years and moons ago, when I was quite a bit younger, a
picture was taken and I just happened to be in it, I have this
picture hanging above my bar. Since about 2 years ago I had this
idea about wanting to try and recreate this picture as best as I
could. The picture I m referring to was taken in August, 1977
and I was 17 years old in the picture and surrounded by full beer
cans. The story goes like this, my Mother always liked to go on
trips and we (my brother and I) would go with. We were heavy
into collecting cans (as was most everybody in that era) and
Mom would always buy us 6 packs of cans at the liquor stores.
Plus, it was always fun digging
thru garbage cans at rest stops.
Well, we would take the full cans
to our neighborhood fort and
drink them before putting them
into our collections and we would
have plenty of traders to
exchange with the rest of the
neighborhood. This particular
photo was taken after a trip to
Yellowstone out west.
Now, fast forward to March of
2014. Our family (Teri, Charles
and I) went on a spring break
vacation to Louisiana and I
mapped out a bunch of breweries
and we tried to stop at as many as
we could. We always plan our
trips around breweries, lot more
fun that way. When we got home
I stacked up the haul and took