Make Sure you ask ! You Never Know What Might Happe
On Easter Sunday , Judy and Haley , Haley ’ s boyfriend Drake , and Judy ’ s mom all decided to go to Des Moines to have Easter at her sister ’ s house . Aubrey and I stayed home . I did some continuing education for my real estate appraisal license . Then I went to town and spent some time at the Gallery , and I got a little tired and bored and thought I would swing over to the Pitstop in Sexton . Well , the pitstop is one of those places that classifies as a dive bar . The people who bought it a couple of years ago have changed the decor , taken some stuff off the walls , changed the paint , and have big plans for the place . I was sitting at the bar , and I noticed behind the liquor bottles , an old 1960s Schells six-pack carton . I had to ask where they got it . The bartender said to go out and ask the owners , they are sitting on the patio . I carried it out there and they were sitting there having a smoke , and I said , hey , what about this Schell ’ s Six Pack Carton ?
I said , Okay , fair enough . I understand that . I was just curious . The lady says I got it from a guy . He ’ s a collector and he came here , and he gave it to me . It was filled with the ‘ 70s Grand Old beer cans , which I explained were not worth much . We got to talking . I told her about my collection and my acquaintance with the people at Schells , the shows we do , and all of our collecting activities . Then I started showing her videos of our wall printer and talking about the Gallery and my collection and she was just in love with all of that . She said out of the blue , you know what ? I ’ m just gonna give you that . You have a passion for this stuff , and I just want you to have it . I was stunned ! It was like she went from I ’ m not selling it , whatever you offer me , to I want you to have it for nothing . I kept offering to pay her for it and she kept refusing my offer . I said fair enough if that ’ s what you want to do .