Brewings Brewings Vol 40 Issue 2 | Page 9

Around Minnesota the kickoff of the brewery colletibles show season is Springfest. We were all geared up to go and suddenly a spring snowstorm was forecast. So being the quick thinkers that they are Judy and Colleen decided we should stay at Bullocks Friday night and beat the storm to the Cities. So after a long day at an appraisal class I drove home from Des Moines, picked up Judy and our luggage and we headed for Watertown. We arrived around 10:30 and me and Big Bird started quaffing cold Grain Belts in the Cable Table Tavern. It was a good primer for the show on Saturday. Saturday morning we got up early and hit R & B s in Watertown for a good breakfast. If you ve never had breakfast here you don t know what you re missing! We arrived at Evert McClay around 9:15 and found a place to park after some diligent searching. Once inside I started walking the floor. And like always ran into to many friends and had to stop and chat. As the day went on I finally was able to cover the entire trade floor. There were some nice things, but nothing had me reaching for my wallet. Stevan Miner scored a really cool Hamm s pre-pro TOC sign. Big Bird got some nice small pieces for the Cable Table Tavern. All we got was a wooden Schell s salt shaker and a Grain Belt mug I had not previously seen. But lots of fun was had. After the show we headed back to Watertown for the evening at Cable Table Tavern. Mike Mullaly and Jay and Teri Martin came out too. We rocked to the music on the stereo while soaking in the glow of the beer lights. Around midnight we called it quits and got a good night s sleep. Sunday morning was breakfast again at R & B s. While we didn t find much we had a great time. And there will be more coming next newsletter about what I did find 2 weeks later in Minnesota. It takes patience and persistance in this hobby and good things will come. Tom #28855 Page 9