Brewings Brewings Vol 39 Issue 1 | Page 2

” Since I haven ’ t heard from our new Prez-Gary Sprenger I will assume he ’ s busy building that wall on the Iowa-Minnesota border , to keep us Iowan ’ s from coming over the border to get all the Minnesota beer and breweriana . So I will try to cover some of the topics that I ’ m sure he would be talking about . Last year was another good year for the chapter . We had a pretty decent day and turnout for our Spring Show at Schell ’ s again . We had some good chapter meetings including one at Schell ’ s new Starkellar and one at the new Oswald Brewing Co . in Winnebago . Our big neighbor to the North , The Northstar Chapter had some great shows and the big one we call Guzzle- N-Twirl was attended and enjoyed many in the Border Batch . We supported the Nordlager Boys again this year with some of our club members attending their Cloquet Show . In November the Border Batch hosted a brand new event at the Mankato Brewing Company in North Mankato . This show was very well attended for a first show with about 30 vendors and good walk through traffic was generated by the ad we placed in the Mankato shopper . We had people from as far away as Ankeny and Sioux City , Iowa as well as good turn out from Minnesota . Lots of cools breweriana changed hands and everyone enjoyed the beer and brewery atmosphere . Next year we will look into moving the show to the second weekend of November so the deer hunters can attend , that is unless they ’ re a poor shot and still trying to get a deer . Watch for information in an upcoming issue of Brewings . The annual Christmas Party was a great time again this year with lots of good food , old beer tasting , micro beer exchange , auction and raffle . A big thanks to the raffle committee for all their work to help the club with funds to operate on . We ’ ll be looking at some upcoming dates for a chapter meeting this spring prior to our Brewery Show at Schell ’ s . A location will also need to be selected . Some possible dates are March 18th , April 1st or 8th . Now that this is done I ’ ll get it off to the printer and uploaded to the internet . Then I may drive up to the border and see how the great wall is coming ?

” Since I haven ’ t heard from our new Prez-Gary Sprenger I will assume he ’ s busy building that wall on the Iowa-Minnesota border , to keep us Iowan ’ s from coming over the border to get all the Minnesota beer and breweriana . So I will try to cover some of the topics that I ’ m sure he would be talking about . Last year was another good year for the chapter . We had a pretty decent day and turnout for our Spring Show at Schell ’ s again . We had some good chapter meetings including one at Schell ’ s new Starkellar and one at the new Oswald Brewing Co . in Winnebago . Our big neighbor to the North , The Northstar Chapter had some great shows and the big one we call Guzzle- N-Twirl was attended and enjoyed many in the Border Batch . We supported the Nordlager Boys again this year with some of our club members attending their Cloquet Show . In November the Border Batch hosted a brand new event at the Mankato Brewing Company in North Mankato . This show was very well attended for a first show with about 30 vendors and good walk through traffic was generated by the ad we placed in the Mankato shopper . We had people from as far away as Ankeny and Sioux City , Iowa as well as good turn out from Minnesota . Lots of cools breweriana changed hands and everyone enjoyed the beer and brewery atmosphere . Next year we will look into moving the show to the second weekend of November so the deer hunters can attend , that is unless they ’ re a poor shot and still trying to get a deer . Watch for information in an upcoming issue of Brewings . The annual Christmas Party was a great time again this year with lots of good food , old beer tasting , micro beer exchange , auction and raffle . A big thanks to the raffle committee for all their work to help the club with funds to operate on . We ’ ll be looking at some upcoming dates for a chapter meeting this spring prior to our Brewery Show at Schell ’ s . A location will also need to be selected . Some possible dates are March 18th , April 1st or 8th . Now that this is done I ’ ll get it off to the printer and uploaded to the internet . Then I may drive up to the border and see how the great wall is coming ?

Tom T # 28855 filling in for the President
Gary Sprenger # 35 ???
Brewings is the official Brewsletter of the Schell ’ s Border Batch , Chapter # 83 of the Brewery Collectibles Club of America . Published quarterly for chapter members to keep up with chapter events and news . All materials in Border Batch Brewings are written by members of the Schell ’ s Border Batch Chapter , unless otherwise credited . No reimbursement is made for submissions . This publication is not copyrighted and material may be reprinted , provided credit is given to the author . The Schell ’ s Border Batch Chapter cannot be responsible for any errors which may occur . If you have anything you would like to contribute please send your newsletter article to : Schell ’ s Border Batch Tom Terwilliger 1501 180th Street LuVerne , Iowa 50560 Or send it e-mail to schellsguy @ borderbatch . com Any and all newsletter articles will be considered for publication in the Border Batch Brewings .
Chapter Officers
• President - Gary Sprenger # 35 ???
• Vice President - Mark Walker # 35013
• Vice President Elect -
• Treasurer - Tom Terwilliger # 28855
• Secretary - Judy Terwilliger # F32049
• Chaplin - Father “ Furray ” Srock # 9678
• Artist - Barry Travis # 30938
• Sgt At Arms - Mark Stueber
• Supply Sergeant - Lori Johnson
• Newsletter Editor - Tom Terwilliger # 28855
• Webmaster - Tom Terwilliger # 28855
• Past President - Tim Tanley
Dues are $ 10 per year or $ 15 for couples and due on Dec , 31 each year . Dues can be sent to Tom Terwilliger , 1501 180th Street , LuVerne , IA 50560
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