Brewings Brewings Vol 33 Issue 4 | Page 2

The President Larry Holm
WOW ! This is one nice day to be sitting out side with the dog Bruno and some Schell ' s beer writing my last column for our news letter . So many things have past by in the last year its going to be difficult to place them all in this short letter . First Thanks gos out to all that send parys to the God of your xxxx to help on my behalf with this damn cancer . One year ago we were a the U of M getting the stem cell transplant that ' s helping to make it possible for me to join in with my Schell ' s Border Batch friends at many more Subiefest , Christmas Party ' s and the like , not to forget Lura Lake with water car one great adventure to say the least . Not much more about me but making the most of almost every day , trying to make a good hand out of bad cards !!! There was many good members at one of our lower attendance Subiefests on record , fine weather cold beer , jello shots , pudding shots , with some great food made by all those master cook ' s or just for all the time it takes buying chips . As a group we should work on getting more members to meetings and parties , not sure how we make it happen because why miss some of best times all year . We could make sure things are put together for the good of club , things made friendly , we understand many people are scared to step up and help out . Trade show was good for those that showed their junk , we buy and sell inside our group as good members should , but need outside people to make show worth time we all put into this again . Or we could try different weekend and have large sale not on Stubby weekend to many things going on at one time . Could ask Holiday Inn , we get some rooms , have party and set up a show around the pool . Invite more clubs to come and have our own Guzzle @ Twirl , Border Batch style . Something for next president to work on with my help like Christmas party trade show over two or more days . Things to ponder for the future of the club .
So next time we stop and tip one back , think of your friends in one of the finest groups of people I am proud to be a member with !
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Brewings is the official Brewsletter of the Schell s Border Batch , Chapter # 83 of the Brewery Collectibles Club of America . It is published quarterly for chapter members to keep up with all the chapter events and news . All materials appearing in the Border Batch Brewings are written by members of the Schell s Border Batch Chapter , unless otherwise credited . No reimbursement is made for submissions . This publication is not copyrighted and material may be reprinted , provided credit is given to the author and Border Batch Brewings . The Schell s Border Batch Chapter cannot be responsible for any errors which may occur . Border Batch Brewings is printed quarterly . If you have anything you would like to contribute please send your newsletter article to : Schell s Border Batch Tom Terwilliger 1501 180th Street LuVerne , Iowa 50560 Or send it e-mail to schellsguy @ borderbatch . com Any and all newsletter articles will be considered for publication in the Border Batch Brewings .
Chapter Officers President - Larry Holm # 33668 Vice President - Dave Gator Weldy # Vice President Elect - Bryan Beer Goggles Madsen Treasurer - Tom Terwilliger # 28855 Secretary - Judy Terwilliger # F32049 Chaplin - Father Furray Srock # 9678 Artist - Barry Travis # 30938 Sgt At Arms - Mark Stueber Supply Sergeant - Lori Johnson Newsletter Editor - Tom Terwilliger # 28855 Webmaster - Tom Terwilliger # 28855 Past President - Mark Stueber Dues are $ 10 per year and due on Dec , 31 each year . Dues can be sent to Tom Terwilliger , 1501 180th Street , LuVerne , IA 50560

On Sale Now $ 12.00