Volume 33 Issue 1
Some words from the Pres , time sure does fly when your not having much fun . Medical report looks better as we go though time . Missed the first Christmas party cause of you know , bad weather , next one we had tickets to Chanhassen Dinner Theatre . Had a great time and good show , stopped at Floyds in Victoria , Down South or something in New Germany , Neeson ' s , Gaylord , And Dave ' s Place in Lafayette , great day for all that could show . Auction time this winter had been slow to say the least , went to Storden one Sunday with Dan & Barb , not any good beer stuff , but we always find some damn thing to buy that we don ' t need . Had to stop in Darfur for beer to make the day complete . New chapter business we ’ ve added a Facebook page to our clubs online presence . If you use Facebook simply look up Schell ’ s Border Batch and then hit the “ Like ” button to start following our Facebook activity . Feel free to post pictures and comments . Facebook has over 500 million users so this could give our club some good additional exposure to potential new members and collectors . Now some info on some new club things . For those of you that use Twitter on your computer or Smartphone we also have a Twitter account that you can follow us on . Twitter allows the club to post instant news updates up to 140 characters which are broadcast over the internet by Twitter to followers . Followers can get these updates right on their phones and it also allows us to put these “ tweets ” as they are called on the front page of our website instantly from anywhere with a Smartphone . Just another way to try and help keep you up to date with chapter news and happenings . The great thing is both of these services are free to use so there ’ s no added expense for these services . There are some great chapter events coming up this year . Our spring meeting with be March 26 th at Tom and Judy Terwilliger ’ s house in LuVerne , Iowa . Also we ’ ll be going to Billie Jo ’ s for some beers . This is a local bar / restaurant in Algona that features many Schell ’ s beers on tap . Our spring show at the Schell Brewery is again in conjunction with
the Dakota Chapters show . Our show is Sunday April 17 th from 10 a . m . till 2 p . m . in the parking lot and the old tap room at Schell ’ s . The August meeting will once again be at Mike and Chris Anderson ’ s lake home on Lura Lake near Mapleton , MN . Bring your camper . There ’ ll be two pontoon boats and of course the “ boat car ” will be on the lake for rides and fun . This is a great time you won ’ t want to miss ! Stubiefest is back on it ’ s now permanent 3 rd weekend of September . The Hamm ’ s club has agreed to hold their show a week earlier so we don ’ t conflict with CANvention . The one thing we really need to work on for Stubiefest this year is getting the trade show back up . We ’ ll place an ad in the New Ulm paper to try and bring in some walk-through ’ s that hopefully will buy and maybe bring something to sell ? This show will still feature all the fun stuff you ’ ve come to expect like the Billy beer can shoot , hayride , camping and karaoke . Don ’ t forget Guzzle N Twirl in October one of the biggest brewerianna shows in the country and the Border Batch Christmas party in tentatively scheduled for Saturday December 10 , 2011 . The chapters latest project is a Schell ’ s Border Batch cookbook . This project is being headed up by Lori Johnson ( Stubie ’ s girlfriend ) and Judy Terwilliger . They are looking for all kinds of recipes for this cookbook and need them by March 1 st to be included . They are hoping to have this book printed and ready to sell by the time the Nordlager boys have their Cloquet Show . Speaking of the Cloquet show there will be a pretty good Border Batch presence there again this year . This show is a lot of fun with camping and lots to do in the Cloquet area . Bock Beer Release party ' s are one more thing New Ulm ' s greatest assess the Schell ' s Brewery is doing for use who are lucky enough to partake . New head gear being worked on as I write , for the next fest is just around the corner , make plans to show or be square . That ' s one old and dumb line but it ' s to late I said it ! Larry
January 2011
Inside this issue :
Bar Scrounge |
2 & 3 |
Beery Pictures |
4 & 5 |
Beery Pictures |
4 & 5 |
Recent Finds |
6 |
Treasurers Report |
7 |
Show Calendar |
7 |
Roster |
8 |