Brewings Brewings Vol 32 Issue 4 | Page 9

The fall beers available on the shelves at the local stores would suggest that autumn has arrived but it ’ s sure been tough to buy into as warm as it ’ s been the last week and a half . I survived the intense rainfall & ensuing flooding that ravaged the area around Slowatonna . As a matter of fact , I would have gone unscathed if not for the poor fortune of having the roof & siding off my outbuilding complex in the midst of a remodel . As far as things Border Batch are concerned the club survived another StubieFest ( round four if you ’ re counting ) and have continued to make it both a fun beery event as well as a bit of a money maker for the chapter . The main focus of my article will be to recap the finances for the event as it is my understanding that Tom will be adding his thoughts for upcoming StubieFests based on those numbers . This also allows me the benefit of continuing to shirk my duties of sorting the unopened pile of bank statements & miscellaneous receipts that are piling up until a later date . Needless to say there are no worries of the organization becoming insolvent in the near future so I ’ ll leave that project for a cold winter day & nice Schell ’ s Snowstorm .
Below you ’ ll find for your perusal a rough division of the incomes & expenses surrounding SF ’ 10 . I say rough because my accounting method is five envelopes stuffed within my bank bag . As I take money in I try to channel it to the corresponding account . Seems fairly straight forward until you introduce the challenges of never having quite the right denominations for change despite pre-planning , the fact that some folks will write one check for say a pass , merchandise & a membership ( which is 3 different accounts ) & the fact that there is a beer truck about 20 feet from where I take cash & I sometimes take a refreshment break which does nothing for my math skills .
Sale of event passes
$ 1020.00
Auction proceeds
$ 930.50
New Memberships
BB Merchandise Sold
Tickets sold for annual x-mas raffle
$ 107.00
$ 2137.50
( real accountants sometimes call this expenses )
Mark ( beer , shots , porta-pot , misc .)
$ 680.00
Ted ( brats & buns from HyVee )
$ 174.55
Printing ( pass , poster for raffle )
$ 144.22
Dan ( offset assembly of raffle items ) $
Bryan ( frame for raffle poster ) $
$ 1098.77
NET INCOME $ 1038.73
Then there are items to consider that were donated . This year the Miner ’ s generously donated the cost of Karaoke . I think at one of the chapter meetings we approved spending up to $ 150 for this expense , so that was quite a savings . Some of the beer we served was donated by Schell ’ s . A good deal of the food on the pot luck was donated by various members . Not to steal any of Tom ’ s thunder but I think maybe its selfevident that if we paid for the karaoke , didn ’ t have an auction & don ’ t count the annual raffle ticket sales as that is a different fundraiser ; then we ’ d be operating much like our Federal government – in the red . I ’ ll let Tom elaborate , but one dead horse I ’ d like to beat again is considering dropping 1 newsletter per year . Instead of 4 , each member would receive 3 ; One to come out before each of our 3 main events – Day @ August Schell , StubieFest & the holiday party . Membership dues do not currently offset the cost of producing & mailing our high quality full color newsletter . We have generally agreed we do not want to reduce the quality of
Brewings . I think we also have as a majority agreed we do not want to raise dues so again , so I offer the solution for your consideration of reducing our expenses in that area by reducing the number of issues . I look forward to renewed discussion on the topic . Please feel free to contact any officer or Board of Common Sense member with your thoughts .