Brewings Brewings Vol 32 Issue 2 | Seite 3

V O L U M E 3 1 I S S U E 2 P A G E 3
Penny Lane : A Message From Your Secretary / Treasurer
Not sure what else I can say but things continue to look sunny in the financial department . Dues renewals have been brisk . Need to get a few more in hand to set any kind of membership record , but considering the state of the rest of the economy I think we ’ re doing quite well . Just a reminder , if your dues have not been received by the Day at August Schell Show you will no longer be getting your fun filled newsletter until you , “ Show us the money .” Also you may have noticed ads that were not up to date on payment were pulled from the website . Ad pricing is $ 10 for the year for a business card sized ad . As before if you don ’ t have an “ official ” business card I ’ ll knock something together for you for a modest donation to the club . I ’ m unable to accept tips unless they are in the form of beer ! If you missed our recent “ business ” meeting at Miner ’ s we have decided to raffle a 150 th Anniversary Schell ’ s lighted sign for our yearly prize ; winner to be drawn at the Christmas Party in December . Chances are going to be a buck a ticket – no limit . Buy early , buy often . Speaking of raffles please dig into your closets , storage rentals & under your bed for items to include on our Chapter Raffle at the Day at August Schell show . Keep in mind if you wouldn ’ t want to pick up the item on a winning ticket draw please don ’ t blight the table with it . To our raffle participants remember as always there ’ ll be no extra charge for the dust . See you at the show !