Brewings Brewings Vol 29 Issue 1 | Page 3

V O L U M E 3 0 I S S U E 1
P A G E 3
Hope you all had your favorite Beer to ring in the New Year ! Teri and I had a 12-pack winter sampler of Saranac and some Summit Winter Ale for quaffing , while counting down the last few hours . Yes , I saw midnight but I went down soon after . New Years Eve just ain ’ t that big of a deal for me anymore , must be getting older . Or , maybe wiser ? Anyway , this year looks to be a good one for the Border Batch again . The club turns 29 years old in April , and with a full head of steam , we are heading to 30 . So , why not hop on the BB train and join us for some Beers and laughs this year . And yes , believe it or not , we even do some trading of Breweriana .
If you missed the Batch Christmas party , all I can say , is you missed a good time . This event just keeps getting bigger and better . This whole thing started 5 years ago at Vance ’ s house , with a full Fountain Brew cone of mine and 5 or 6 people . Now look at what it has evolved into ; Micro Exchange , Toasting Trophy , Potluck , lots of BS and the B & L bar literally rolls out the Red Carpet for us and the Antique Beer Tasting . Plus , we have celebrities that show up every year . Last year it was Ted Marti who joined us for the Antique Beer Tasting , this year it was Sue and Steve Miner . Who knows who may show up next year ?? It could even be YOU !!!
Speaking of the Toasting trophy , yours truly won it this year . I ’ d like to repeat the “ toast ” here but it is a little “ blue ” so I ’ ll refrain . Ben and I tied , and Stubie cast the deciding vote . I did give Stubie a 6 ’ er of my Homebrew but that had nothing to do with me winning . Ya right . I ’ m not sure if mine was really a “ toast ”, it was more a quote than anything but ; the crowd seemed to enjoy it . Don ’ t miss out on this fun event and bring your best “ Toasts ” for next time .
How many of you have heard about the Schell ’ s Hobo Band ? I think most people raised their hand , including myself . But , I did not know much about the history of the Hobo ’ s as they were somewhat before my time . Well , I learned a little something about them and would like to share it . I read an article about a man named Les Magers who recently passed away . He was the one who started the Schell ’ s Hobo Band 60 years ago , sometime around 1948 .
I understand he got some Army buddies together to play at a local VFW . When they asked what to wear , he said , “ Whatever you wouldn ’ t wear otherwise ”. And thus started the Hobo look . My favorite story is when they had their first parade appearance in Glencoe , MN . They ended up walking because the vehicle that was supposed to carry them broke down .
Well , in the end the 8-member group won an award against some other 100-member bands . In 1995 the Hobo band was inducted into the Minnesota Music Hall of fame and they also produced 3 albums and a CD . Anyone out there have one to sell ?? If you ever get to the Schell museum check them out , they have a place of honor there .
Land of Amber Waters . Have you heard of that ? It is a book by Doug Hoverson and is well worth buying . It is a history of brewing in Minnesota . It took ten years of research and starts with the first brewery in 1849 and goes right up to Flat Earth Brewing and Surly . It covers about 290 breweries and brewpubs known to have operated in Minnesota . I bought the book a couple of months ago at Barley Johns Brewpub . ( It ’ s now on loan to our new Sec ./ Treas .) Doug was there and signed it for us . If you ever meet him , don ’ t be afraid to talk to him . He is more than happy to listen and talk Beer .
I ’ d like to end this with something from another newsletter . I was reading the Hamm ’ s Club Bruins Gazette and with permission from Kirk Schnitker , I quote .
“ We at the Hamm ’ s club work cooperatively with many other clubs and their chapters , as we believe we do not compete with one another , we compliment one another . Most breweriana clubs including the BCCA have been very cooperative . We figure we are a specialty club so we have much to offer them . We donate to their raffles and events and advertise in their magazines . Sometimes we run into a bonehead from these clubs but they are the exception . If you are a member of these clubs , tell them that cooperation between clubs makes sense . It helps to spread the word that there are different clubs , networks and shows to entertain , inform and assist .”
This just struck me right in the gonads and it felt damn good . If this don ’ t make sense to you , I don ’ t know what the hell would . I believe this is what the Border Batch is about and really what all clubs should aspire to . I could not have written it any better . We at the Border Batch are not trying to compete with any other clubs . Well , that ’ s all for now , except for my quote of the issue . Which I can hardly top the previous quote but I will try . “ I don ’ t trust anyone who can go a week without drinking ” Joe Lewis . Till next time ,