Brewings Brewings Vol 28 Issue 4

Volume 29 Issue 4
Greetings Border Batchers and Outlaws . I am quite excited about this chapter right now as I sit here and write this column . There are a lot of good things to report . First , Stubiefest was a huge success this year . We had BCCA President Joe Germino on hand to help present the Firebrick Can of the Year plaque to Ted Marti . We had great attendance , a super time at all the events and new this year karaoke . We were front page news on the Sunday issue of the New Ulm Journal . If you missed it ... you really missed out on some fun . Read Bryan Madsen ’ s Beer Goggles column for blow by blow coverage written live at Stubiefest . Now down to business , and there ’ s lots of it to discuss . First , the chapter dues have been increased to cover the cost of running the chapter . It has been a long time since we raised dues and the price of everything that we do to run the club has increased . See Bryan Madsen ’ s column as new Sec / Treas on the next page for more on this topic . 2nd , Officer changes and additions in the club . A tip of the glass to my wife Judy for being chapter Secretary / Treasurer for the past 13 years . She kind of got stuck with job by becoming my significant other way back then . She has made many contributions to the club as an officer and simply volunteering to help with food for shows , setup , and many other small and large tasks . She will still be doing many of these things , but she begins her student teaching next month and simply has not had the time to be Sec / Treas for quite a while . That being said , a big tip of the glass to Bryan Madsen for stepping up and becoming the new Sec / Treas starting in 2008 . Bryan has had lots of great ideas and brings some new inspiration and motivation to the club . Mark Stueber was elected as Sergeant-at-Arms , a new officer post in the chapter . Officers of the club are now officially considered to be members of the High Council of Outlaws and members of the “ Board of Common Sense ” which governs our club . Our website has again been recognized by the BCCA as “ award winning ” picking up 2nd place for best website , finishing a very close second to the Packer Chapter . This is 3 years in a row we have been recognized for our website . We are really pushing to our members to utilize the
website . It features a message board , a new classified ad section where members can post their want ads , plus show dates and info and much more . Check it out . Plus we are going to use the website to deliver the newsletter . With postage and printing costs skyrocketing we are going back to delivering the newsletter to as many members as possible electronically . We were the first chapter to do this , and now that I have high speed internet we have been able to return to doing this . My goal is to get 80 to 90 % of our newsletter recipients receiving the newsletter via the internet . This eliminates printing and postage costs . There will be a small group that does not have internet that will still receive a printed version . But the savings to the chapter will be very noticeable . We are making some minor changes to the newsletter such as moving the classifieds to the website and some other small changes that you will notice in the coming year . We have lots of fresh articles from a variety of writers and in my opinion one of the best newsletters in the hobby . We print only original stories from chapter members , no newspaper reprints or fluff from other publications . It ’ s a newsletter you can be proud of and it ’ s fun to read as well as informative . Our shows have been narrowed down to 3 great events , the “ Brewery Show ” at Schell ’ s , Stubiefest and our Christmas Party . Plus a minor event which is our party room at Guzzle , known as BB & BS . We have many new members . Many of which are from New Ulm and probably will gain some more
new members at the Christmas party . We have a great Schell ’ s crowntainer we ’ re raffling off , which will be given away at the Xmas party . Be sure to get some tickets for this great can . So as you can see lots of good things going on with this club . Keep on supporting your Schell ’ s Border Batch . Get involved and use the website and attend the shows and events . Watch for more great things in the coming year . And support your local brewery .
Tom # 28855 President , Schell ' s Border Batch
Oct 2007
Inside this issue :
Sec / Treasures column 2
Backwash 3
Beery Pictures 4 & 5
Life through beer goggles
Upcoming Beer Events 7
Christmas Party flyer 8
Auction Block 9