Brewing Vol. 43 Issue 4 Fall 2021 Fall Edition | Page 5
Next up was Guzzle N Twirl . After being scaled down to an outdoor show last year Guzzle was back to its normal indoor show . Well , sort of . This year for some reason they had the ice on the area floor and it was covered with 4 x 8 sheets of OSB . This made for a very chilling experience . Then there was the condensation coming through the floor covering that made the floor wet . Then the floor started to buckle . None of this was the Northstar ’ s fault . I felt bad for them having to deal with this and they closed it down an hour early . Even after all this it was still fun and a good show . Hopefully next year this won ’ t be a problem . As far as picking up a beer sign it was a swing and a miss for me , but I still had a great time with friends in a beery weekend in the Land of Sky Blue Waters . Up next our Makato Brewing show . It will be a blast and I hope to see you there .