Dr . Hamm ’ s
Greetings fellow Border Batchers , 9 president ’ s desk
Hard to believe it ’ s time already for another newsletter and that Summer as we know is in the rear-view mirror . These past few months have certainly been a little better than the previous ones with things finally starting to get back to normal after the whole country was basically shut down with this damn bat flu . Hopefully all your friends and families were able to weather the storm and if you did end up having the virus , it was a mild case and you were able to recover from it . We personally did end up losing a few friends and it really sucks believe me . As Kirby Puckett once said “ Tomorrow isn ’ t promised to anyone ” so get out and enjoy the hobby that we all love .
Speaking of getting out , that ’ s exactly what we did this Summer starting with the annual NABA Convention held this year in Milwaukee . We traveled with our frequent partners in crime the Bullocks and headed out Thursday morning . Once there we met up with the Terwilliger ’ s and hit a few spots including the Harley-Davidson Museum . We had been there before but there was no way you were ever going to see everything and had no problem going back for round 2 . Highly recommended even if you ’ re not a motorcycle person . Checking into the hotel later in the day things were going full speed with lots of rooms open and it was great to see old friends once again . The club NABA has really reinvented themselves in the past few years and have gotten a lot “ younger ” Great to see . Great food every night and all kinds of stuff to look at and buy which we did . Big Bird is a master at packing a truck bed but we even needed extra help getting all our goodies home from this one .
This year the annual Canvention was held in St . Louis again since that is where it all began back 50 years ago . Of course , last year it ended up being cancelled so there was another whole year of anticipation on how the BCCA was going to celebrate their 50-year birthday . They did not disappoint . Great hotel , very well organized , and although the BCCA is still largely a “ can collecting ” club , there was still plenty of brewerania for others to look at . The trade floor was directly across the street and was very well set up . Great crowd all days and we ended up going out in the evenings finding some great spots for eats . Thank you , St . Louis it was a blast .
Of course , that leads us up the 2nd annual Bago Bash at the Bird ’ s Nest in beautiful downtown Winnebago . After last year , we made a few adjustments and everything worked out real well including the weather this year . We had people already arriving on Thursday for a Saturday show . Lots of new people this year and everyone reported good sales at the show .
Brewings is the official Brewsletter of the Schell ’ s Border Batch , Chapter # 83 of the Brewery Collectibles Club of America . Published quarterly for chapter members to keep up with chapter events and news . All materials in Border Batch Brewings are written by members of the Schell ’ s Border Batch Chapter , unless otherwise credited . No reimbursement is made for submissions . This publication is not copyrighted and material may be reprinted , provided credit is given to the author . The Schell ’ s Border Batch Chapter cannot be responsible for any errors which may occur . If you have anything you would like to contribute please send your newsletter article to : Schell ’ s Border Batch Tom Terwilliger 1501 180th Street LuVerne , Iowa 50560 Or send it e-mail to schellsguy @ borderbatch . com Any and all newsletter articles will be considered for publication in the Border Batch Brewings .
Chapter Officers
• President - Stevan Miner # 12802
• Vice President - Dave “ Big Bird ” Bullock # 35729
• Treasurer - Ted Stueber
• Secretary - Judy Terwilliger # F32049
• Chaplin - Father “ Furray ” Srock # 9678
• Artist - Barry Travis # 30938
• Newsletter Editor - Tom Terwilliger # 28855
Board of Directors
• Nick Dylla # 3 Year
• Gary Sprenger # 3 Year
• Steve Miner # 12802 2 year
• Tom Terwilliger # 28855 2yr
• Murray Srock # 9678 1 year
• Jay Martin # 16605 1 year
Dues are $ 10 per year or $ 15 for couples and due on Dec , 31 each year . Dues can be sent to Tom Terwilliger , 1501 180th Street , LuVerne , IA 50560
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