BREWED WINTER ISSUE (February 2017) | Page 23

Suprise !
Never offend a horse when the police is around !
But wait !

Suprise !

Okay , this is one of the most awful moments in life . It does not even sound realistic . We all know that calling prostitutes is quite common these days , but how many cases are there in which a man called a prostitute which appeared to be his daughter ? There is no one who is more guilty in this situation . Firstly because it will be devastating for a girl to see her father calling for a prostitute and secondly , it will be even more painful for a father to see his daughter performing that job .

Never offend a horse when the police is around !

We didn ’ t even know this was possible ! Apparently , you can get fined andarrested for calling a police horse ‘ gay ’. We also don ’ t know why you would say this to a horse . C ’ mon , the horse can ’ t do anything about it that you did something wrong . Otherwise the police and the horse wouldn ’ t even have been close to you .

But wait !

If this didn ’ t prove enough , watch the video below . We guarantee you that after watching the situations of these people , your day is definitely not as bad as you thought . Especially the very last video fragment is quite shocking ! We hope none of this all will happen to anyone .
After reading this , you hopefully realize that your day is actually quite good . So , stop feeling sorry for yourself and enjoy the rest of your day !