BREWED - the attitude issue the attitude issue | Page 12

Merixell Sánchez Coming from: Spain, Valencia Distance from Breda: 1.700 km Travel time: 18h/Car, 2h15m/Plane Stay: 27.08.2018 – 30.01.2019 When I met my housemates, I was going to give them two kisses to introduce myself (as we usually do in Spain) but to my surprise, they gave me a hand-shake to avoid kissing. Another surprise was when I woke up one day and heard an alarm in the city. First, I thought something bad was happening. I immediately went out of my house to check what was going on, but when I came out everyone was acting normal and ignored the alarm sound. Then I discovered that this alarm try is something “typical” in The Netherlands, every first Monday of the month. people and, of course, the variety of CHEESES. Also cycling in the morning while the sun is rising, the politeness of the people, the big number of trees, all the green around me and Tony’s chocolate. When I arrived, I saw pianos everywhere: at University, at the station and in the library (do they want to play piano everywhere?) Another difference is that where I live in Spain, I can see hills and mountains wherever I look, but here everything is flat, which sometimes is quite good, for example for cycling. A similarity on the other hand between Spain and The Netherlands is the kind of songs in the pubs. I was sick of “Despacito” What I really love about the and I came here to get rid of this song, Netherlands is the kindness of the but I couldn’t - it is also everywhere. 12 13