BREWED - the attitude issue Brewed_Studentissue_Digital2 | Page 23

I think it is fun, because it is not the younger and it always was a lot of fun. traditional way of creating 3D models I like cycling and basically all kinds of and textures. sports. Volleyball is my favorite sport which I used to play professionally 9. What are your hobbies? during my high school years. When I came here, I was fully drawn into this specific education. So, I kind 10. What is your advice for studying of abandoned my other interests, IGAD? which may have something to do with I would highly advice everybody who is changing my whole environment and interested in or already studying IGAD, lifestyle. I really liked reading, I used to not to think about what other people like sculpting with clay and I still like think about this direction of studying. I it, but I don’t do it. I like carpeting, so would just advice you: if you like it just putting things up from woods. That’s go for it. also something I used to do when I was 23