BREWED - the attitude issue Brewed_Studentissue_Digital2 | Page 21

1. Why did you decide to study IGAD at BUAS? I decided to go for IGAD because I wanted to have the possibly best program for Game Design which was accessible to me. I am an artist from a young age and started drawing when I was one year old and then just carried on with this hobby until today. I really wanted to combine this hobby with something practical, which you can use to earn money with and make as profession. So therefore, I decided that Game Design is something future-proof right now and something rather possible to find a job with. I also really like games, so it is a perfect combination. is required. Therefore, I was thinking about going for games and finance, which will give me a broader variety of options when I am looking for a job. character artist. This really satisfies me to a huge level. 3. What is your inspiration? I get really inspired by nature, I love landscapes and also have a huge interest in human anatomy. I really enjoy working as an environment artist or a character artist. This really satisfies me to a huge level. 4. Have you always been interested in that field? In the country and culture I come from it’s not very popular to study this kind of things. Actually, my parents were encouraging me to study architecture, 2. Do you have a specific direction you so something entirely different and want to follow in the future? easier to earn money with. I also was The education you receive here in IGAD thinking about Psychology, which I can easily be applied to almost every found super interesting when I studied single area where 3D or 3D art it a school. 21