Brewarrina News October 2020 | Page 42

Two-million-dollar boost for Boothenba Road

Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton has announced a two-million-dollar boost to improve a key heavy vehicle route in the Dubbo Regional Council area under Round 7 of the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Produc�vity Program ( HVSPP ).
Mr Coulton said the upgrade to Boothenba Road will focus on the road ’ s intersec�on with Dubbo Regional Livestock Markets , genera�ng enormous safety and economic benefits for the area .
“ I am thrilled to announce these funds for Dubbo Regional Council , which will fast-track this high-priority infrastructure project , providing a much-needed boost to local jobs and the regional economy ,” Mr Coulton said .
“ Upgrading this key intersec�on will generate economic benefits through produc�vity gains for heavy vehicles accessing the livestock markets . It will also offer safety benefits through the realignment and widening of this intersec�on and road corridor .
“ Every single local job we support in this region by inves�ng in infrastructure projects means safer journeys , reliable work on the books for local construc�on businesses and more cash flowing through local communi�es .
“ This is about helping people stay safe on our roads while making key freight routes more efficient , delivering long-term benefits to regions like Dubbo .”
Mayor of the Dubbo Region Ben Shields welcomed the announcement .
“ This much-needed upgrade will widen and realign Boothenba Road and allow it to be be�er u�lised by heavy vehicles ,” Cr Shields said .
“ The Dubbo Regional Livestock Markets are a cri�cal part of the region ’ s economy , so ensuring that trucks can easily and safely access the facility is paramount .
“ Making sure our livestock markets are compe��ve certainly goes with Council ’ s policy of making sure Dubbo is open for business .
“ I thank the Federal Government and Member for Parkes Mark Coulton for providing funding for this part of an invaluable project .”
Construc�on is expected to commence early 2021 .