Brewarrina News October 2020 | Page 34

Livestock Marke�ng Agency Sam Ryrie 0448 679 942
Local Livestock Report – September 2020
G ’ day all and welcome to the September livestock report for the Brewarrina district . This month has seen some storm ac�on about the area and with this some patchy rainfall results were had , totals heard ranged from 2 to 30mm if you were lucky enough to be under it .
Local sales through the physical markets saw the following results at Dubbo Regional Livestock Market ; “ Staffa ” Dorper x lambs achieved $ 144 / head finding their way to Nyngan Butchery . A fairly solid mu�on market returned $ 145 for rams ex “ Boneda ” going to Mudgee Export Meats and “ Urie Point ” export wethers topping the Dubbo mu�on market on the day at $ 176 going to Fletchers Interna�onal Exports .
Auc�onsPlus results for week ending Friday 25 th September 2020 saw sheep numbers totalling 108,327 head , as lis�ngs dropped 75,000 following the previous week ’ s record breaking throughput .
Merino ewe lambs averaged $ 211 , up $ 19 on last week with prices ranging from $ 147 to $ 249 . Merino ewe hoggets sold from $ 186 to $ 306 , averaging $ 249 , down $ 17 on last week . Young Merino breeders ( 2-4 years ) averaged $ 250 , selling from $ 174 to $ 297 , up $ 45 on last week . Proven Merino breeders ( aged 4 + years ) sold from $ 139 to $ 274 , averaging $ 197 , up $ 6 on last week . Merino wether lambs averaged $ 135 , selling from $ 97 to $ 184 , up $ 12 on last week . Merino wethers sold from $ 115 to $ 145 , averaging $ 127 , up $ 3 on last week .
The wool market has con�nued its uphill trajectory , edging above 1000c for the first �me since early August . The AWEX EMI rose 59c to 996c on Tuesday and a further 40c on Wednesday to finish the week at 1036c or 739c USD .
The pass in rate has fallen further to 2.6 %, indica�ng a good level of buyer confidence . The �ghtened supply that has been seen at the physical auc�ons in the past few weeks has been a major contributor to the rising market . Growers may now not be so reluctant to sell at the current prices which could lead to a surge in volume in the coming weeks , with the poten�al for the market to peak as supply outpaces demand . With only one market in China currently opera�ng and many external influences having a large effect the current uphill trajectory may not be sustained . ( Source : Auc�onsPlus )
The ca�le market is s�ll experiencing very strong prices across all types , with the following na�onal trends experienced on the box last week .
Cows and calves were in high demand this week as they achieved 88 % clearance and increased by $ 111 . They sold between $ 1,400 and $ 3,620 , to average $ 2,614 .
PTIC cows sold from $ 1,250 to $ 2,590 , averaging $ 1,808 , easing $ 50 from last week . PTIC heifers also eased this week , back $ 147 , to average $ 1,700 as they sold between $ 700 and $ 2,490 . Steers 200-280kgs sold from 386c to 571c , to average 472c , easing 27c . Steers weighing 280-330kgs rose 27c , selling between 359c and 567c to average 467c . Heifers weighing 200-280kgs sold between 335c and 538c to average 445c , back 9c . Heifers 280-330kgs were 10c dearer this week , with prices ranging from 375c to 531c , averaging 449c .
Here ’ s to an above average rainfall this Spring and remember if you have livestock marke�ng or purchasing needs don ’ t hesitate to contact Sam Ryrie of Ryrie and Co Livestock Marke�ng Agency , Brewarrina on 0448 679 942 .